Source Code Repository Restructuring Current Situation: Multiple accelerator-related software projects are in isolated repositories. Those repositories are scattered across the lab network. Support for storage of binary files is not optimal. These factors combine to be problematic for development. Sharing common code may soon be cumbersome and / or dangerous. Accelerator Computing Meeting – Friday, 26 January 2007
Source Code Repository Restructuring A Solution: Central repository to house all accelerator code development and documentation. Migration from CVS to SVN technology Reorganization of this master repository to better reflect the structure of development efforts and resources Accelerator Computing Meeting – Friday, 26 January 2007
Central Repository In an accessible location for online and offline systems Contains all accelerator-related code and documentation Common code available to all inter-dependent projects This will feed multiple build systems - Take advantage of recent CPU additions and ample project disk space Allows for consistent cross-project code tagging Simplified mgmt. of possible offsite access for collaborators Accelerator Computing Meeting – Friday, 26 January 2007
Migration to SVN: SVN offers flexible approach to repository management. Internal structure can be changed at any time to fine-tune the organization. History of changes saved as well. Handles binary file storage gracefully - .doc, .dwf, & other proprietary document formats Several client interface options CESRV will continue to be served via CVS due to VMS client issues. - This may change if SVN can be made to work under VMS. Accelerator Computing Meeting – Friday, 26 January 2007
Reorganization of Repository: Repository organized to reflect hierarchical and shared nature of cross-project development efforts CESR online / offline - simulation - control system - lattices ERL online / offline - layout files - EPICS ILC CESR-TA Other projects Implement Tagging standards - releases - branches - merging across projects Accelerator Computing Meeting – Friday, 26 January 2007
Reorganization of Repository: ACC Repository CESR ILC ERL CESR-TA Other… EPICS Document. RF Simulation Instrument. CESR build ERL build CESR Release ERL Release Accelerator Computing Meeting – Friday, 26 January 2007