Advocacy: Preparing for a Legislative Visit Board Leadership Academy January 30, 2019
Legislative Priorities FBISD’s Board of Trustees adopted two legislative priorities for the Texas 86th Legislative Session Reference the flier in their folder. Use it as a guide to talk through.
Useful Information to Have on Hand Annual budget Student population (enrollment and demographics) Fund balance (designated vs. undesignated) Tax rate, local debt, LHE Administrative costs (what they include) This information can be found in the folder provided.
Resources Fort Bend ISD’s legislative priorities webpage provides helpful information. Information about the District’s priorities Important dates in the session There are also links to outside resources, including a link where you can find out who represents you and the Texas Legislature Online.
Be a Voice for our Students and Teachers Fort Bend ISD encourages parents, staff and community members to be engaged and informed about FBISD’s legislative priorities and to voice their opinions to their state legislators.