A Walk in the PARCC Today’s Agenda: Introduction to the PARCC PARCC tools using Chrome books
Introduction to the PARCC Today we will discuss: What is the PARCC? What are the key skills students will need? What will it look like? What tech tools will I need to know?
Test Dates Mark in your Planners: First Round of Testing = February 25th & 26th Second Round of Testing = March 4th Third Round of Testing = April 29th & 30th
PARCC…What is it? What does it stand for? The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers An assessment that measures whether students are on track to be successful in college and their careers
Test Structure (2 Parts) Evaluates your ability to write effectively when analyzing texts -Narrative -Literary Analysis -Research Evaluates your Reading Comprehension Multiple Choice Both tests will measure critical-thinking and problem-solving skills Part 1 Performance Based Part 2 End-of-year
Part 1 = Writing 1. Literary Analysis Tasks – students will read literature and compose an analytic essay. 2. Narrative Tasks – students will convey real or imaginary, experiences or events (e.g. write a story, detail a scientific process, write a historical account of important figures, describe an account of events, scenes or objects). 3. Research Simulation Tasks – students will analyze an informational topic presented through several articles or multimedia stimuli and then answer a series of questions, synthesizing information from multiple sources, in order to write two analytic essays.
“You’ve got mad skills, Yo!” Students will be asked to do the following: Utilize specific textual evidence to support conclusions drawn from the text. Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse formats and media. Assess credibility and accuracy of each source. Analyze how two or more texts address similar themes. Synthesize information to strengthen one’s argument.
What will it look like? www.parcconline.org
Online Test Layout
Technology Features The test online requires a strong manipulation of tech skills: Drag and Drop Highlight Text The word “select” is used rather than “pick” or “choose” the best answer Video Play Cut/Paste Scroll bars Type in text box The PARCC online test has created many technological tools for your use Time to check them out with the tutorial: http://www.parcconline.org/