Colossians 2:6 Alive !!! alive !!! Alive !!! Therefore as you received Christ Jesus as Lord so walk in him rooted and built up in him and established in the faith just as you were taught abounding in thanksgiving Alive !!! alive !!! Alive !!! Colossians 2:6
Alive-still in existence alive-Still active in competition with a chance of victory Do you believe today that you are still in it. Do you believe that today in your walk with the Lord that you still have a chance for victory????? Well you still have a chance for victory. Victory is for those who hold onto the lord and His promises. That is what it means to be alive.
Start living now. Stop saving the good china for that special occasion Start living now. Stop saving the good china for that special occasion. Stop withholding your love until that special person materializes. Every day you are alive is a special occasion. Every minute, every breath, is a gift from God! So it takes some things to remain alive right Name some BlackBerry pie Blueberry pie Frappe chinos And so on Mary Marin Morrissey
Staying alive in Him requires us to be built Up epoikodomeo- to erect a foundation Speaks to the Christian faith and Christian life Constant movement This is actually referring to the individual Christian and how the individual Christian builds up the church.
Built up- refers to the constant state of internally developing On a Personal level and within the church Just as the temple is built up from the foundation so is the Christian life. We cannot expect that if the foundation is not established than what lies above can not be in constant movement
Staying alive in Him requires us to be established Bebaios Sure fixed, to make steadfast To strengthen To set steadfastly To declare To prove So when we examine this we find that it is not a permanent state of believing we are established in the faith. It is the permanent state of being transformed into the likeness of that which the faith Stands for. So we become what is strengthened We become what is steadfast We become what is used to declare His greatness We become what is used to prove the work of Jesus Christ. In order to be alive we have to be established in Him. We can not be partially established in both that of the world and that outside of the world.
Staying alive in Him requires us to be in the faith Pistis A ground for confidence Reason for belief Abstract constancy in a religious belief structure or system Reality of any person or things that make up a belief system So this faith we adhere to if we desire to be alive it has to be a reality to us. How can it become a reality to us? We have to have faith in something we can not see but yet God provides us many moments of truth and reality within our lives There is a reliance for Christ in our lives There is a persuasion within out hearts that can not be shaken.
Persuasion is clearly a sort of demonstration, since we are most fully persuaded when we consider a thing to have been demonstrated See when we are persuaded enough by our faith we remain alive because our faith is first foremost. We find ourselves at a place were no one and nothing can come our way that persuades us to come away from the truth of the gospel So we demonstrate Demonstration when we are bold enough o go into public and demonstrate on behalf of a cause we better believe in the cause I love when people demonstrate or speak to me about an issue and I begin to bring facts forth they don’t know what to do because people are so easily swayed to believe something that is just not accurate Aristotle
Staying alive in Him requires us to be taught Didasko A prolonged form of the primary verb Capable of being taught Maintaining what was taught in order to receive what is being taught A verb that acts as a cause
Theodidaktos That is found in God and taught by God This speaks to the most vital teachings sourced by god and result in being truly alive
Abounding in thanksgiving Abounding Abounding very plentiful Exist in large numbers Just continues In the sense of this verb is just continues I always think about a KANGAROO are they just so sweet and they constantly just bound all over Abounding in thanksgiving Abounding
Abounding in thanksgiving Thanksgiving it is a heart place. It is a heart place that remains in an ever state of thankfulness . Not only in state of thanksgiving but in a vocal and action based state of thanksgiving. How does this maintain our ability to remain alive in Christ Abounding in thanksgiving Thanksgiving
Vocal - What does that mean?
Action based thanksgiving- What does that mean? What does it mean to you today to be Action based thanksgiving- What does that mean?
is your desire today to be alive-refreshed-renewed??? Are you being built up? Are you established? Are you in standing on unshakable faith? Are you being taught by god? Are you abounding in thanksgiving? Is it flowing out in word and deed? What does it mean to you today to be