D E S I G N A central component to design is organizing specific parts into some type of organized whole. The process of organizing is design. Whether arranging windows in a building or placing type on and images on a page designers arrange items to achieve a feeling of order, of thoughtfulness. Design Basics, Lauer
In Nature Smooth transitioning of linear elements in nature are all around us. From the concentric circles of a pebble thrown into a pond to the invisible waves created by sound traveling through space. The ebb and flow of tides across the world’s oceans are clear examples of the hypnotic power of linear rhythm.
Figure / Ground Relationship As you read this syllabus you experience looking at white lines (letters) on a black background (paper). Letters function as the “ figure” Paper is the “ground”.
Objective Achieve Linear Transition by creating a seamless rhythm of parallel lines by varying the width and spacing of the lines Part 1 Seamless rhythm / cut paper Part 2 Students will use a pen or pencil
Criteria Subdivision of a Groundsheet to create seamless rhythm Cut paper Subdivision of a Groundsheet to create seamless rhythm 2 parts Each 8 in x 10 in Pen or pencil
Seamless rhythm / cut paper Create a seamless rhythm of parallel lines by varying the width and spacing of the lines. Create the parallel line rhythm by pushing the line widths to where the viewer experiences black lines on white and white lines on black. Students will use cut paper there be at least the transition from black line on white, to white line on black
Seamless Transition / Pencil Achieve a seamless transition across the horizontal rectangle of groups of lines moving from light to dark. The illusion of value is caused by the closeness of the lines to each other when grouped. Ability to control the flow of lines without creating a visual break is paramount to the success of the project. There should be as many transitions as possible with pencil/pen line.
Possible Solution Figure/Ground Reversal Smooth At least three transitions