This shows the frameset container page which holds two additional pages in rows - the first row uses 50% of the page and the last row uses the rest. Note that I wrote the frame page and the two additional pages to accomplish this.
The only difference here is that instead of rows, I am using columns to hold two additional pages.
of the pages as shown on the next few slides.
Now I am using rows and then cols in the framset Now I am using rows and then cols in the framset. There are no images because I am running from the hard drive and did not copy the images down. Note the order of the pages is the same. If I change the order of the pages in the frame list, this would change.
This is a nested frameset This is a nested frameset. I divided the original frameset into 3 rows and put a page in the top row. Then I embedded a framset to divide the second row into two columns, each holding a page. I then closed that frameset and returned to the original one and placed a page in the bottom row.
This removes scrolling and will not let me resize.
In class assignment - all students must submit results.