The US Goes to War in Afghanistan


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Presentation transcript:

The US Goes to War in Afghanistan

Background 1992: Osama Bin Laden is banned from Saudi Arabia Criticizes government for allowing U.S. forces onto Muslim soil Goes to Sudan 1996: The Taliban takes over Afghanistan 1996: Under pressure from the US, Bin Laden is kicked out of Sudan Welcomed by the Taliban Operates Terrorists training centers for Al-Qaeda

Al-Qaeda Attacks the US 1993: World Trade Center (6 killed/ hundreds injured) 1998: Bombing of US embassies in Tanzania and Kenya (over 200 killed) 2000: Bombing of the USS Cole (17 killed)

September 11, 2001 3,057 Americans killed Largest attack on American soil in almost 200 years President Bush vows that the attackers will pay Suspicion goes to Al-Qaeda They soon take credit for the attack

The Ultimatum President Bush informed the Taliban that they must turn over Bin Laden to the US or they will face the consequences. The United States will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them,“ The Taliban offers to try Bin Laden in their court according to Shiria Law – refused Taliban offered to hand Bin Laden to a third country for trial under Shiria Law - Refused

October 2001: America attacks Massive air bombings January 2002: Ground troops are sent into Afghanistan. Britain joins with the US North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) follows: Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Australia, Spain, Netherlands, Denmark and 34 other nations.

Goals Capture Osama Bin Laden Remove Taliban from power Disband Al-Qaeda / prevent their operation in Afghanistan

Initial Results US forces overwhelm the Taliban Taliban is removed from power Al-Qaeda camps destroyed Osama Bin Laden on the run Life changes for those in US controlled areas

The Hunt for Bin Laden Osama Bin Laden runs to the mountain region called Tora Bora Cave Complex Area is bombed Special Forces sent to area with Afghan guides More troops requested- refused US policy focused on major cities Afghan guides turn on US troops Bin Laden escapes to Pakistan

Pakistan Government is allied with US Population is divided Some areas support anti-US movements The border areas are now controlled by Taliban/ Al-Qaeda Most attacks against US troops staged out of Pakistan Government refuses to allow US troops to enter Pakistan

Strategy Small outposts spread throughout Afghanistan Designed to: Prevent return of Al-Qaeda Remove Taliban influence in area Patrol area towns Fight the Taliban Provide services to the people

Guerilla Warfare Non-uniformed combatants Hit and run tactics Effect: Improvised Explosive Device (IEDS) Ambush Then mix with population Effect: Frustration Who’s the enemy? Increased civilians killed (collateral damage)

2003: US Goes to War in Iraq Resources dedicated to Iraq End of 2003: 13,900 troops in Afghanistan 140,000 troops in Iraq Taliban begins to re-conquer areas they lost

Afghanistan Government President Karzai elected 2004 Corrupt government Turns many toward Taliban for stability 2009 election Abdullah Abdullah challenges the President Nov. 2009 President Karzai wins Corrupt election Anger increases

After 8 Years of War Troops in Iraq have been reduced (staying out of major cities) 38,000 troops in Afghanistan Increased violence Taliban gaining power in areas US casualties growing General McChrystal requests 80,000 troops

President Obama’s Decision Leave Afghanistan Keep the status as-is Increase troops (as requested) What would you do? Why? What would the consequences be?

Decision 30,000 additional troops sent by early 2010 to provide stability Goals train an Afghan army and police force Afghan government to provide increased services Conditions: President Karzai must work to eliminate corruption 400,000 trained soldiers and police Timeline: End of 2011