Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God Jonathan Edwards
About the Author: Jonathan Edwards Became church pastor of one of the largest and wealthiest church congregations after his grandfather died Sermons were filled with “fire and brimstone”- a phrase symbolizing the torments of hell endured by sinners Believed in science and reason and saw the proof of God’s presence in the physical world Became one of the leaders of the Great Awakening (religious revival in the colonies during the 1730s and 1740s)- wanted to bring back the fervent faith of the Puritan past Instituted disciplinary actions against members of his congregation for reading improper books and denounced sinners by name in his sermons (p. 106)
Terms to Know Sermon- broadly defined speech given from a pulpit in a house of worship Oratory- formal public speaking. The best oratory almost always displays the following elements: Persuasive Emotionally appealing Addresses needs and concerns of audience Involves use of colorful or rhythmic language
Simile compares two unlike things, using a word such as like, as, than, or resembles EX: Her heart is as cold as a dungeon Write a simile comparing a dog and a beach towel
Metaphor compares two different things without using such words as like or as EX: Life is a carnival. Write a metaphor comparing your school day and any other object.
Imagery the use of pictures, description, or figures of speech such as SIMILES and METAPHORS to visualize a mood, idea or CHARACTER may involve all the 5 senses- taste, touch, sound, sight and smell Which senses are involved in the following phrases? _____A full moon in a black sky _____ The chirp of crickets _____ The tang of a cold glass of lemonade _____ A warm breeze _____ Freshly mowed grass
Activity Background on this piece: Edwards delivered this sermon in a quiet, restrained style. According to one source, he read the six-hour work in a level voice, staring over the heads of his congregation. Despite his calm demeanor, his listeners are said to have groaned and screamed in terror, and Edwards had to stop several times to ask for silence. Read the provided copy of Edwards’ sermon and analyze using the guided handout