ECE 576 POWER SYSTEM DYNAMICS AND STABILITY Lecture 2 System Structures and Electromagnetic Transients Professor Pete Sauer Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering © 2000 University of Illinois Board of Trustees, All Rights Reserved
System dynamic structure
Dynamic phenomena time scales
Two-time-scale system Slow time scale t (sec) Fast time scale
= 0 in t scale = 0 in scale
System organizational structure
Voltage-levels, control, stability Frequency-control, stability Phenomena of interest Voltage-levels, control, stability Frequency-control, stability Current-thermal limits Relay action Overall S.S. stability Overall transient stability
Electromagnetic transients Transmission line Long, medium, short Partial D.E. Ordinary D.E. Phasors
Electromagnetic fields
Transmission line segment
Special case #1 (neglect shunts)
Special case #2 The lossless line wave equation
General solution
Terminal conditions Receiving end m is x = 0 Use this to eliminate f1
Look at sending end at negative time Use this to eliminate f2
Eliminating f1 and f2 gives:
Repeat this for the other end to get:
Sinusoidal steady state equivalent circuit
Numerical integration EMTP solutions Numerical integration Find: y(t)
Euler’s forward (Explicit method) Trapezoidal rule (Implicit method)
Trapezoidal rule solution
For R = 200, L=0.3H, and the following voltage applied at time zero, with the exact time-domain solution for the current is:
Trapezoidal rule solution Exact solution:
t = .0002 i(.0002) = 117.3A Exact solution i(.0002) = 117.3A Solving for i(.0002) i(.0002) = 117.3A Exact solution i(.0002) = 117.3A