Gifted and Talented Academy Year 2 HAEAnet-public Password: education0309 Gifted and Talented Academy Year 2 Curriculum and Instruction Session 3
Agenda Welcome/Check In Processing Home Play Working Together William & Mary Curriculum NAGC Programming Standards Overview/Review Developing Learner Outcomes Activities and Resources Instructional Strategies Team Time/Planning Closure
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Schedule Alert!! Session 4 scheduled for April 19. Change to April 26?
Processing Home Play Form mixed district triads Share An overview of your team’s work so far What’s working? What’s frustrating? What questions do you have? Large group share What did you hear? Your team’s greatest success/biggest learning Classroom teachers attach yourselves to your g/t teacher to gain a deeper understanding of what they’ve been working on.
Working Together Buddy the horse story.
Picture What is the big picture? Comprehensive GT programming! What’s that (supposed to) look like?
Part Just as all the pieces in a jigsaw puzzle play an important part in a pleasing finished product, so does each participant in the education of gifted children have a critical role to play. If there’s a hole created by a missing piece, it’s highly noticeable.
A Wonderful Partnership! GT teachers – green; Gen Ed – ivory Work with like color group 3-4/group Consider the task of educating the gifted Challenges Support your group needs What you can do together Regroup by mixed colors Share ideas Develop poster to address the three areas Format/design is up to your group Where does curriculum for the gifted enter into the equation?
Chapters 7-9 Overview
What do I want gifted learners to know and/or be able to do after completing a study of this unit, topic or course? Extending questions: TTYN and identify additional/extending questions that accompany this essential question. Essential Question
Learner Outcome Functions Guide Selection of Content, Methods, Materials Provide Instructional Intent LEARNER OUTCOMES Learner outcomes specify student behaviors State Expectations for Learners Provide Focus for Evaluating Learning Fig. 7.1, p. 126
Developing Learner Outcomes What are the learner outcomes you’ve identified in your work? How do these outcomes relate to your program goals and/or your goals for students? What insights have you gained about learner outcomes? What questions do you have about learner outcomes? Discuss with your team and share insights with large group If you haven’t developed any learner outcomes, where do you see a need to do so, and why?
The Link Outcome Activity
Key Features of Activities Created or Derived/Selected from Existing Materials Matched to a Specific Learner Outcome TEACHING-LEARNING ACTIVITIES Why does it make sense to start with outcomes and then develop activities? How can you help general education teachers embrace the importance of starting with outcomes? Sufficient in Number and Scope to Fulfill the Outcome Differentiated Tasks for Students Fig. 8.1, p. 142
Key Strategies FACILITATIVE INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Problem-based Learning Bibliotherapy Pacing FACILITATIVE INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Problem Solving Discuss the differences between activities and instruction strategies. How does each contribute to appropriate quality curriculum and instruction for gifted learners? Content-based Strategies Questioning Techniques Inquiry Fig. 9.1, p. 171
NAGC Programming Standards Form triads Read Standard 3: Curriculum Planning and Instruction Consider matches to chapters assigned chapter. Regroup and jigsaw
Think back to our first activity together today: Challenges, Support, Collaboration. What will be important for you individually and your team as a group to focus on? Individually write, share with team, large group share. Keeping Focus
Team Planning Begin curriculum development. Keep connections to Iowa Core in mind. Identify actions to be accomplished by session 4
Home Play Continue curriculum development work. Read Chapters 10-12 in Curriculum Planning & Instructional Design for Gifted Learners Continue to update your team Wiki Complete Appendix B to Chapter 12 (p. 247-55 for the curriculum you’ve worked on today