Chapter 2 - Data * Context of the data is absolutely essential before we do anything! The W’s (and H): Who, What, When, Where, Why, How “Who” does not always imply people * Data tables help organize the data * Each row of a data table is called an individual case
Individuals = the things that we want to collect data from * Individuals = the things that we want to collect data from. People, animals, cars, etc. * Cases are usually from a SAMPLE of a larger POPULATION (hopefully representative) * POPULATION = ALL individuals that we want to conclude about * SAMPLE = small group of the population that we actually collect data from. Use this data to conclude about the population
- Examples: Colleges/Universities Read to middle of p. 11 Variables are the “WHAT” of the data- things that were observed or collected. Two types of variables: Categorical: variable that names categories (words or numeric) Quantitative: variable with numeric values, makes sense to take an average (must have units) - Examples: Colleges/Universities Come up with a few categorical and quantitative variables about colleges that you would be interested in recording if you were looking to apply to that college.
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