England Colonizes Virginia Jamestown Settlement
Getting Started 1497/ 1498: Cabot’s voyage to establish England’s claim to new territory 1604: King James I prepares to colonize North America 1606: King James I issues charter for creating a colony Virginia Company is created 1607: 3 small ships sailed from England with VA’s first settlers
The Susan Constant transported men and supplies
Settlers arrive at site near the James River, Jamestown is created Settlers arrive at site near the James River, Jamestown is created. (England’s first permanent settlement.) Initially, Jamestown settlers faced hardships. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssS6UoBoiuc
The settlement buildings were made of material from the area.
Today we are uncovering the original buildings and artifacts. Captain John Smith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RM1_HeoVaUQ
Eventually, the colony benefited from growing tobacco Tobacco plants A hogs head; this barrel would be full of many hands of tobacco. Tobacco leaves dried in barns
A hand of tobacco
1618: VA Company introduces the head-right system to increase immigration. Many people moving to VA were indentured servants. Each head of household was entitled to a set # of acres of land. This was designed to increase immigration.
Geographic/environmental problems?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKV-WM8TYg8
High Mortality Rates The “Starving Time”: 1607: 104 colonists By spring, 1608: 38 survived 1609: 300 more immigrants By spring, 1610: 60 survived 1610 – 1624: 10,000 immigrants 1624 population: 1,200 Adult life expectancy: 40 years Death of children before age 5: 80%
English Migration: 1610-1660
The Jamestown Pitfalls and Problems 1606-1607 40 people died on the voyage to the New World. 1609 another ship from England lost its leaders and supplies in a shipwreck off Bermuda. Settlers died by the dozens! Drought led to shortage of local foods https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBQpVnbdqjA
The Natives in the area did help the settlement after John Smith intervened.
England and Jamestown Timeline Using the dates on this sheet, create an illustrated timeline showing the progression of English Colonization of Jamestown The timeline must: Have 8 points in time 3 illustrations Neatness counts Answer the question: What stands out about your timeline? Hypothesize to the cause of the ‘anomaly’?
Looking at the notes from this power point what do you think caused all the problems in Jamestown? What problems were there in Jamestown?(Be specific with your details.)