Sophomore World Literature Ms. McDermott Greaney February 23, 2016 Block 2(A) 4(B)
Good morning If you are the discussion director for your group please collect the folder for your group. Entry Task
You have five minutes to meet with your group, discuss your roles and turn in your assignments. Evaluate your work on the provided form As a group: Complete your Sociogram on the characters Use the legal size paper and colored pencils provided You have 20 minutes – Due Today Novel - Sold
Research Databases/Internet Last class you took notes on your topic using the databases only. databases – EBSCO or Proquest Over the weekend you will be allowed to use any source BUT you will need to cite the source and you will be evaluating if it is credible. Fill in the note taking form and make sure you cite the source (w/URL) Research Databases/Internet
Global Issue – Body Paragraph 1 Using your homework from last class you will be writing the stakeholder paragraph On the handout you will see a paragraph frame: There are several stakeholders involved in the issue of _______________(issue). Understanding the interests and influence of these stakeholders is important to finding a logical solution. A key stakeholder in this issue is _________________(stakeholder). This stakeholder is interested in (most concerned with) ________________(interests). Involving this stakeholder can help by ______________(influence/resources). [Transition to next stakeholder. Repeat for each additional stakeholder. You must have at least three stakeholders.] You will be identifying three stakeholder/the frame only gets you started You will have 20 minutes. Global Issue – Body Paragraph 1
Take notes ..\..\springboard resources\Springboard Unit 5\Stakeholders PPT.ppt
Stakeholders Terminology sheet: Write the definition of stakeholder Read the article “A Roaring Battle over Sea Lions” Springboard 5.11
Pull out your planners Read pages 213-244 and complete your designated assignment Handout – Analyzing and Evaluating Solutions H/W Sold