STEAM Day Presenter Template On this slide, include your name and career you will be sharing about.
Introduction This slide should include: A brief introduction of yourself A description of your job
Background This slide should include: How did you get interested in your career? What specific classes, higher education, and/or certifications were required for this job?
Pros and Cons This slide should include: Positives about your career; any perks? Negatives about your career; any downside?
Salary This slide should include: A general range of how much you could make doing this job Please do not include your specific salary!
Relation to STEAM This slide should include: An explanation of how your job relates to STEAM (Science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics) You should relate to at least 2 components
Interactive Activity Get these kids up and moving! How could you get them involved? Could you demonstrate a specific part of your job? Could you do an experiment/activity involving students?
Reflection/Closing End the presentation with a brief summary that ties together the interactive activity and how it relates to STEM