Mathematics Language Arts Please feel free to email me, or drop a note in your child’s folder about any questions and/or concerns. Sept. 3 – Labor Day Holiday Sept. 5 – Open House at 6:30 Sept. 6 – School Pictures. Students wear uniforms. We have snack at 2:00 every day so please pack a snack for your child. No peanut products are allowed due to allergies. Remember to check your child’s folder every day! Please pay your $10 supply fee and join the PTA if you have not already. Mathematics This week we are counting to 5 forward and backward. -We are talking about same and different. -We are learning about the color red. -Practice counting with your child at home. Language Arts -We are learning how to write and spell our names. - We will be working on capital and lowercase recognition. - We will be reading Chicka Chicka Boom Boom