God's Truth Not Man's Tradition Mark 7:1-13
I. Two sorts of tradition 1. HUMAN TRADITIONS a. Beside the Word of God. -Example, the obedient Rechabites (Jer. 35: 1-19) b. Contrary to the Word of God - Example, The Pharisees (Mt. 15:2)
I. Two sorts of tradition 2. Divine Traditions
II. Jesus confronted the teachers of traditions HE ACCUSED THEM OF: “Teaching as doctrines the precepts of men” v.7 HE TOLD THEM THAT: “Neglecting the commandment of God, you hold to the tradition of men” v.8
II. Jesus confronted the teachers of traditions He charge them with: “Invalidating the word of God by Tradition”
Conclusion: “The truths of the scripture are never to be compromised or replaced by other teachings, we need to know God’s truth to see through Satan’s lies.