Applying to College What You Need to Know
Before you get started Checklist Check out college websites, publications and tours. Research program admission requirements Take a look at the online "Find Program" at Choose the college that best fits you! Determine the program(s) you would like to apply to. Do your research and visit at least 3 colleges. You will receive a handout with some of the steps and reminders from this presentation. This handout is also your proof of attendance when you go back to class.
Important dates February 1, 2014 May 1, 2014 June 17, 2014 Equal consideration date (all applications received at OCAS by this date will be considered equally by the colleges). May 1, 2014 By this date, applicants must confirm their acceptance of an offer of admission. For all competitive programs (i.e. Nursing, paramedic, dental hygiene, etc.) Feb 1st is an absolute deadline. You can look at the program charts online to find out if your program is competitive -If you are ready and have done the research- apply before January 15 and your name will be entered in a draw to win up to $2000. June 17, 2014 Earliest date that the colleges can require payment of tuition fees.
Did you know? The $95 application fee is non-refundable. You can make 5 program choices, with no more than 3 choices at any one college. Do not apply for more than 3 programs per college-colleges want to see that you are focussing on a program not a college.
Who does what? OCAS: Processes applications and confirmations (acceptances), and forwards information to the colleges. HIGH SCHOOL: Provides OCAS with your personal and academic information. YOU: Apply to college through OCAS. Pay the application fee of $95. Confirm acceptance of an offer through OCAS. Go to college!
How to Apply
*must meet all requirements CREATE YOUR ACCOUNT YOU WILL REQUIRE YOUR OEN **You can find it on your student ID or report card. Password ‘rules’ *must meet all requirements
BEGIN THE APPLICATION You can make changes any time if you start the application and don’t have time to finish, you resume where you left off the next time you log in.
Your OEN is what links your grades to the application, so make sure you type it in correctly. Grades will be listed in the ‘Academic Data on File’ section. VERIFY that the grades forwarded by your school are correct. Any errors should be reported to your guidance counselor.
Program Choices
If paying online :You will get a successful payment notification or a declined payment notification once you submit the payment A declined payment will ask you to re-enter the info – red box pops up – can’t miss it
Your payment options You have five options: • Online credit card (VISA, MasterCard or American Express) Mail-in credit card payment form Direct payment (online banking) Money order Certified cheque (NO personal cheques) Credit Card and online banking are the fastest.
Additional Requirements Ensure you complete all requirements: Audition Portfolio Test Interview English Proficiency
Confirm Your Offer in the Spring You can only accept ONE offer at a time A confirmation of acceptance will be sent to your e-mail.
Need Assistance? If you have an IEP or need support services they are available at all Ontario Colleges, but it is your responsibility to find out about them. Contact the College and ask to speak to the Student Support Office. - If you need assistance with the process, there is a step by step guide online and there is also a help centre that you can connect with
‘Ready, Set, Go’