Enrollment Mode Reporting Rita Evans, MHRM State Grant and Special Programs November 2018
Objectives & Goals Discuss the integration of distance education into the PA State Grant program made effective the 2018-19 Award Year with a focus on: New enrollment mode reporting requirements Impact of distance education enrollment on eligibility and awarding Changes to technical resources
Instruction Delivery and Enrollment Mode Act 5 of 2018 incorporates distance education into the State Grant Program New enrollment mode reporting (introduced 2018 Summer) Report enrollment pattern (% online credits) for awarded students on a term-by-term basis Used to determine student eligibility Must match the student’s final enrollment status Includes all modules or intersessions used to determine eligibility Update when students’ enrollment patterns change Presenter Notes: Must match the student’s final enrollment used for eligibility determination Includes all modules or intersessions used to determine eligibility Update when students’ enrollment patterns change 4
Instruction Delivery and Enrollment Mode Report enrollment mode for awarded students each term Replaces “less than 50% indicator” for eligibility determination Report awarded students under one of the following Enrollment Mode 1 – “100% classroom” (system default) Enrollment Mode 2 – “Up to 50% distance education” Enrollment Mode 3 – “Greater than 50%, but less than 100% distance education” Enrollment Mode 4 – “100% distance education” Presenter Notes: Non-HQD enrollment mode reporting requirements and resulting eligibility determination are similar to the way the processes functioned in 2018 Summer. Enrollment mode must match the student’s final enrollment used for eligibility determination, including ALL credits or clock hours which count toward. This includes all modules or intersessions used to determine eligibility. 5
Instruction Delivery and Enrollment Mode In accordance with Act 5 of 2018 eligibility for modes 3 and 4 is primarily determined by the institution’s HQD status HQD Institutions Non-HQD Institutions Students do not need to be enrolled ≥50% classroom Students with modes 3 and 4 may still receive an award May impact award amount No ADA letter sent Report enrollment mode for students in online programs Students receive appropriate award amount Students must be enrolled ≥50% classroom credits Modes 3 or 4 will initiate ADA process and will likely result in Cancel “L” Students approved for ADA will receive the appropriate award Students in online programs should have “DE” reported Will result in Reject “G” Presenter Notes: Non-HQD enrollment mode reporting requirements and resulting eligibility determination are similar to the way the processes functioned in 2018 Summer. Enrollment mode must match the student’s final enrollment used for eligibility determination, including ALL credits or clock hours which count toward. This includes all modules or intersessions used to determine eligibility. For Non-HQD schools, functionality for enrollment modes 3 and 4 function similarly to the previous “less than 50%” indicator 6
Distance Education Awards 2018-19 State Grant Estimator Released in early June with distance education award information Student communications updated to advise of impact of distance education enrollment on eligibility Eligibility notices feature language to advise that greater than 50% distance education enrollment may impact award Student-facing FAQs on PHEAA.org contain information about online programs of study, institution HQD status, and more… Presenter Notes: Revised estimator was available in the Document Library in early June; Award amounts/changed eligibility is now displayed in Partner Interface when modes 3 and 4 are reported for students Schools may use the estimator in counseling students/families about individual award amounts; Each tab provides estimates regarding the distance education/reduced awards Eligibility notices contain language to advise students that greater than 50% online course enrollment may yield a reduced award Student FAQs continually updated in PHEAA.org
Enrollment Mode Examples Semester Enrollment Examples Term Enrollment Pattern HQD Institutions Non-HQD Institutions 12 credits (full-time) 12 credits classroom; 0 online Enrollment Mode 1 Meets the eligibility requirement; No reporting changes needed as system will default to this mode 6 credits classroom; 6 online Enrollment Mode 2 Meets the eligibility requirement; Report “Up to 50% distance education” 15 credits 9 credits online Enrollment Mode 3 Meets the eligibility requirement; Report “Greater than 50%, but less than 100% distance education” *Ineligible – Report “Greater than 50%, but less than 100% distance education” 0 credits classroom; 12 online Enrollment Mode 4 Meets the eligibility requirement; Report ”100% distance education” *Ineligible – Report ”100% distance education” Presenter Notes: Examples assume enrollment in an approved program of study that is structured to contain at least 50% classroom instruction Chapter 2, Section C provides guidance on updates that should be made for students enrolled in programs of study structured to contain primarily online coursework Examples assume enrollment in an approved program of study that is structured to contain at least 50% classroom instruction. *Students who meet ADA requirements may be eligible for an appropriate award. 8
Enrollment Mode Reporting Emma is enrolled at an HQD institution in an online program. She has decided to take 12 online and 3 classroom credits for the term. Questions How should her school report her enrollment and program of study? What enrollment status and mode should be reported for Emma? How will this reporting impact her eligibility at an HQD School? What if she attended a Non-HQD School?
Enrollment Mode Reporting Emma should be reported for the appropriate program of study (not “DE”). Her enrollment status should be reported as full-time and enrollment mode as a 3 (“Greater than 50%, but less than 100% distance education”). She will maintain her State Grant eligibility and could receive a distance education award. At a Non-HQD institution, she would not have enrollment mode reported, but would have “DE” reported as her program of study. Her award would be rejected for reason “G.” 10
Enrollment Mode Adjustments Enrollment mode must be updated when adds and drops alter the enrollment pattern Monitor records for award amount and/or eligibility changes Refund any overdisbursed amounts Enrollment mode not updated for full withdrawals Enrollment mode may need to be re-evaluated when students partially withdraw to at least half-time status depending whether school chooses: Apply the withdrawal policy on the full-time award Enrollment mode is not impacted Report the student as half-time Enrollment mode must be re-evaluated Option 2 Option 1 Drops or adds that alter the enrollment pattern 1. Report the updated enrollment mode 2. Monitor the students with enrollment modes 3 or 4 HQD Schools – May impact award amount Non-HQD Schools – May result in changed eligibility 3. Refund the over-disbursed award amount Refer to the Costs and Award Adjustments chapter in the State Grant Handbook for drop, add and withdrawal adjustment procedures.
Drop Example Questions Erik enrolled in 6 classroom credits and 6 online credits for the term. He dropped a 3-credit classroom course, for which he will not be charged by his school. Erik finishes the term with 6 online and 3 classroom credits, which will be reflected on his transcript. Questions What is Erik’s enrollment status and mode before he dropped the class? What changes to his enrollment status and mode, if any, should his school make? How does this change impact Erik’s eligibility (award status or cancellation code) if he attends an HQD school? A Non-HQD school? Erik is enrolled for the 2018 Summer in 3 online credits and 9 classroom credits. He then drops one 3-credit online class during the add/drop period, which occurs before the school credits students’ accounts. Naveen now has 9 classroom and 0 online credits which will be reflected on his transcript. Before Naveen made changes to his schedule, his school would have reported him as full-time and updated his enrollment mode to up to 50% distance education. Once Naveen dropped the online course, his status would need to reflect half-time enrollment and his enrollment mode would be changed to 100% classroom. In this case, Naveen would receive a half-time State Grant. 12
Drop Example Erik’s original enrollment status was full-time (9 + 3 = 12 credits) and his enrollment mode was “Up to 50% distance education” (enrollment mode 2). After dropping the course, his enrollment status would need to be updated to half-time (9 credits) and his enrollment mode would be “100% classroom” (enrollment mode 1). Erik could be reconsidered for a half-time State Grant award. Any overdisbursed funds will be returned to PHEAA. 13
Status Listings & Enrollment Mode Layout changes were communicated to all schools in March 2018 A copy of the communication is located in the Document Library Added the enrollment mode field to the Status Listing Updated the State Grant FAA Status Listing Guide In keeping with the addition of the enrollment mode reporting functionality, there have been a few additional updates to the technical resources used to manage the State Grant Program. As announced in the March 2018 memo, the new enrollment mode fields have be added to the weekly Status Listings which are available in PageCenter. The purpose of the Status Listing is to provide schools with the status of those State Grant applicants who indicated your institution as their first choice according to the latest State Grant records. In addition to general student enrollment information, the listings contain data regarding special status, class level (hospital schools of nursing only), enrollment status, housing, prior year remedial exceptions, and the term enrollment mode indicator effective with the Summer 2018 term. The revised Status Listings will resume once PHEAA is able to release conditional award amounts. Status Listings Check out PHEAA.org/training (under State Grant resources) to find the State Grant FAA Status Listing Guide!
Partner Interface & Enrollment Mode Partner Interface enrollment mode reporting Single Student Update Defaults to 100% Classroom Mass Update “Update Records” option “DE” program of study not available for HQD institutions.
Partner Interface & Enrollment Mode Additional Partner Interface Changes Award Information Added enrollment mode Removed Attempted Credits No SGDEPP term-by-term reporting fields Filtering “DE” Program of Study unchanged While we are reviewing the technical changes to Partner Interface, we would like to mention a few of the additional changes that have been made. We would like to first mention that these changes will display when schools select the 2018 Summer and forward from the Academic Period dropdowns. All prior award years will remain accessible however. First, effective the 2018 Summer term, SGDEPP participating schools will no longer see or have access to the Distance Education Tab on the State Grant Dashboard. Also, when filtering records, the term level filtering by “DE” program type and the cancellation reason L will still be available, there is no longer a filtering option for attempted credit reporting. Instead the enrollment mode filter has been added. You can also find enrollment mode information displayed on the individual student record in Partner Interface. Again, since the reporting enrollment mode replaces Attempted Credit Reporting, the associated classroom and online credits fields have been removed from the display. Again, please keep in mind that these changes are only visible when users select the 2018 Summer period and forward. SGDEPP displays and attempted credits fields will be available for view and update in prior periods. Additional information on how to use Partner Interface is available in the State Grant Partner Interface User Guide and in several resources located on the State Grant and Special Programs resources webpage. We will provide the web address at the end of the presentation. Changes display for academic periods 2018 Summer and beyond
Transmissions & Enrollment Mode Communication was sent to transmission schools in March 2018. A copy of the communication and the updated layouts is available in the Document Library. Status Transmissions Layout changes Decommissioned the SGDEPP and Attempted Credit fields Added enrollment mode field Certification Transmission Decommission the SGDEPP and Attempted Credit fields Avoid re-reporting when there are no enrollment mode changes Report enrollment mode for awarded students at your school only Status Transmissions Layout changes Decommission the SGDEPP and Attempted Credit reporting fields to be “PHEAA Use Only” Added enrollment mode field Certification Transmission Avoid re-reporting when there are no enrollment mode changes Report enrollment mode for awarded students at your school only
Enrollment Mode FAQs Q. Are there any circumstances when I would need to report an enrollment mode 1? A. Report an enrollment mode 1 for students who are already reported as a different mode (2-4). For students already under enrollment mode 1, reporting repeat data via transmissions will produce an error. Q. If the student makes changes to their enrollment pattern, but it does not impact their award, will the enrollment mode need to be updated? A. Yes. A student’s enrollment mode must match the final enrollment used to determine eligibility. Failure to make the update would be cited during a Program Review. Q. Are the award updates from enrollment modes 1 or 2 to modes 3 or 4 immediate? A. When reporting changes from modes 1 or 2 to modes 3 or 4, updates made through Partner Interface should show an immediate recalculation of awards; however, if enrollment mode is completed through the Transmissions process, then the distance education amount will display after processing occurs overnight.
Refer to the 2018 Summer Amendment 2018 Summer Reminders 2018 Summer reporting is the same for all schools No exceptions (e.g., HQD vs. Non-HQD, etc.) No SGDEPP awards issued effective 2018 Summer No Attempted Credit or SGDEPP Reporting for 2018 Summer All students must meet the 50% in-classroom enrollment requirement Report students enrolled in primarily “DE” Programs of Study; or Report enrollment mode for awarded students in approved programs of study* Monitor dropped and added courses for awarded students and adjust the enrollment mode as necessary Do not adjust the enrollment mode for total withdrawals Reconciliation deadline was October 31, 2018 *At all schools, reporting greater than 50% (and 100%) distance education credits will initiate the ADA exception process and will likely result in cancellation for reason “L.” 19
19th Annual PABUG Conference Contact Information SGSP Staff Phone: 1-800-443-0646 Email: State Grant Program: sghelp@pheaa.org SGDEPP: sgdepp@pheaa.org RTSS Program: rtss@pheaa.org Transmissions: public_service_systems@pheaa.org 2018 19th Annual PABUG Conference
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