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Presentation transcript:


BIBLE STUDY Introduction: The Bible continues to be the world’s best selling book? In countries where the sale of Bibles is banned, it is the most sought after book. Yet, in America, where Bibles are readily available and where most everyone can read, the Bible may be the most neglected book of all. People from time to time will read a page here and a page there and then declare that the Bible is just too hard to understand. We would not think of approaching a book of history, mathematics or science in such a way. We all realize that our understanding of such matters depends upon our starting at the beginning and progressing page by page. The primary reason there is so much confusion regarding what the Bible is believed to teach is because of the lack of actual Bible study. Some just randomly open a page in the Bible and read a verse, making their own arbitrary application. Others carelessly and without any sound discipline, “read” the scriptures (no study) with no rhyme or reason.

Understanding what the Bible is: BIBLE STUDY Understanding what the Bible is: A. The Bible is not one book but rather a collection of 66 books. B. The Bible covers three different dispensations with three different laws: (1) The Patriarchal - for all non-Jews from Adam till the death of Jesus (2) The Mosaic - for all Jews from Moses till the death of Jesus. (3) The Law of Christ - for all mankind from the death of Jesus till He comes again. C. The Bible is the Power of God unto Salvation: Romans 1:16 D. The Bible is the tool by which we will be judged: Rev 20:11-12

Understanding what the Bible does: BIBLE STUDY Understanding what the Bible does: A. The Bible holds truth: John 8:32 B. The Bible saves us: James 1:21, 1 Cor 15:1-4 C. The Bible helps us be approved of God: 2 Tim 2:15, John 8:31 D. The Bible helps us to dispute false doctrines: Acts 17:11, 1 John 4:1

Understanding how to study: BIBLE STUDY Understanding how to study: A. The Bible must be Rightly Divided: 2 Tim 2:15 B. The Bible must be Studied with Perseverance: Matt 5:6, 1 Peter 2:2 C. The Bible must be Approached with the right attitude: Ps 119: 89,138, 2 Tim. 3:16, 17 D. The Bible student must use good study Aides: 1. Exhaustive Bible concordance: (Vine’s, Strong’s, Thayer’s) 2. Bible Dictionary (Smith, Davis) E. The Bible, when possible, should be used to interpret itself:

Conclusions: So we see that: BIBLE STUDY Conclusions: So we see that: (1) The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation; (2) A study of God’s Word will bring God’s approval; (3) The Truth can make us free; (4) Christians grow and are sustained by the Word; (5) Mature Christians continue to be built up by the Word; and (6) As Christians continue in the Word they steadfastly look forward to the inheritance that is in Christ Jesus.

PLAN OF SALVATION Hear: Rom 10:17 Believe Rom 10:9(James 2:19) Repent Acts 17:30 Confess Rom 10:10 And be baptized Acts 22:16 Remain Faithful Revelation 2:10