Elaborating a European Socio economic Classication ESS-net ESeG Elaborating a European Socio economic Classication 21/3/2012
The ESSnet EseG project 2004-2006 : a ESeC prototype was set up by a consortium of researchers, project financed by the Commission (DG Research & Innovation) 2006-2009 : evaluation of this prototype by Eurostat and NSIs + change of classification ISCO 2008 => necessity of launching an ESSnet, in order to establish a new european classification (EseG : European socioeconomic Groups), that could be adopted and promoted by the ESS. ESSnet EseG NSIs from Italy, the Czech Republic, Hungary and France coordinated by INSEE grant agreement signed with Eurostat on October 2011 a 2 year project : final report for October 2013 Using Isco08 (2 digits) and the core variables from European surveys (status of employment, economic activity) 21/3/2012
The ESSnet EseG project : Work Packages -WP1 : elaboration of a methodology and access to microdata -WP2 : assessing the quality of input variables, especially ISCO08 implementation -WP3 : elaborating a few candidate prototypes (3 or 4) of classification essentially from known elements on employment and occupation. -WP4 : testing the different prototypes in order to select the final proposition ie: which one strongly discriminates behaviours in a wide set of social domains -WP5 : delivery of final report and studies in order to explain and to codify the new classification 21/3/2012
The ESSnet ESeG project : collaborations With collaborations and consultations: a broad consultation : the 27 NSIs researchers, experts and potential users of the classification France, the Czech Republic and Italy have planned specific studies in association with several research laboratories The main European surveys will be used LFS, SILC and AES, with ad hoc modules, will be used to elaborate prototypes and test their discriminating power in a wide set of domains. Other surveys like EWCS will also be used. Necessity of transition table from ISCO-88 to ISCO-08, in order to allow the use of a large set of data (new classification only implemented from 2011). 21/3/2012
The ESSnet ESeG project : Where we are Kick-Off meeting : 14-15th of November 2011 Budapest meeting : 20-21th of February 2012 A questionnaire was sent to 27 NSIs, to assess the present situation and the expectations regarding Socio economic Classifications country by country. All countries have answered. 12 NSIs describe their national classification, most often based on occupation, Status of employment and qualification several NSIs with no classification express their interest for ESeG The methodology for setting up candidates prototypes has been selected : a top-down approach - end of WP1 3 or 4 prototypes to be elaborated a detailed 2-digit version will be envisaged, using supplementary variables (such as supervision or the size of the enterprise) The quality assessment of the necessary variables - ISCO 2008 - has started - WP2 (led by Istat) Microdata are expected (asked for by all the partners) 21/3/2012
The ESSnet EseG project : next steps in the months to come Assessing the variables describing how ISCO is coded in practice by MS Building prototypes And trying to propose a second level to conciliate the different points of view In June, a workshop with European researchers Consulting with the 27 NSIs in October : 3rd meeting in Rome In November: Eurostat workshop on classifications End of 2012: interim report Testing the prototypes to select the best classification Organizing tests on different fields (demography, revenu, wealth, social mobility, living conditions, time use, consumption, health…) 21/3/2012
The ESSnet EseG project Thank you for your attention … … and your support to the project! Insee 18 bd Adolphe-Pinard 75675 Paris Cedex 14 www.insee.fr Informations statistiques : www.insee.fr / Contacter l’Insee 09 72 72 4000 (coût d’un appel local) du lundi au vendredi de 9h00 à 17h00 Contact Fabrice Lenglart Tél. : 33 1 41 17 53 64 Courriel : fabrice.lenglart@insee.fr