The Protestant Reformation Chapter 10 Lesson 1
Christian Humanism Humanism: question everything. Was about learning and reforming. Leads to conflict with Catholic Church Results in split of Christian faith. Protestant Reformation: religious movement that divided the western Church into Catholic and Protestant.
New knowledge brings about a call for reform of the Church. John Wycliffe (1330-1384) Questioned the authority of the pope Jan Hus (1370-1415) Criticized the wealth of the Church Desiderius Erasmus (1469-1536) Attacked corruption in the Church
Corruption: Need for Reform People wanted salvation Church raised money by selling Indulgences: a church souvenir that cleared you of sin. Woodcut of the pope selling indulgences, from Passionary of the Christ and Antichrist. Source: Plenary indulgence; inscription on the left transept of the Basilica of St. John Lateran, Rome. © Marie-Lan Nguyen / Wikimedia Commons. Source:
Indulgences allow you to go Directly to Heaven! Do not go to Hell! Do not go to Purgatory!
Erasmus laid the egg that Luther Hatched Erasmus believed in living a good life not just in having faith. Erasmus inspired Martin Luther
Martin Luther Criticized Church practices: like selling indulgences. Believed Humans: Were powerless in eyes of god. Would not be saved through their good deeds. Would be saved by having faith.
ANGRY!!! Indulgences did not buy forgiveness. Nailed his Ninety-Five Theses (arguments) to the door of Wittenberg cathedral. Theses attacked the church
Luther attacks Sacraments (he keeps two) Baptism Communion Catholic Church has 7 Sacraments Confirmation Confession Marriage Last rites Priesthood
Luther allows clergy to marry Catholic church does not allow clergy to marry Luther calls on German (HRE) princes to overthrow the papal states in Germany (HRE) and establish their own church. Emperor of Rome wants to kill Luther
Rise of Lutheranism Luther’s religious movement becomes a revolution Governments begin to control churches 1524 German Peasants revolt but Luther does not support them. He supports their lords. German Lords love Luther.