Computer Controlled Interface (CCI) Aimed at third party system integrators who want to develop their own remote monitoring and diagnostic applications. Connect via RS232 at 1200 to 115,000 baud. Can not run both Service Kit and CCI interface at the same time, must be either / or. Simple ASCII based interface protocol. Protocol uses Tait propriety ‘command’ and ‘response’ packets. Due 20 December 2004
CCI Commands The packet structure for commands to the base station is: Responses Commands The packet structure for commands to the base station is: [IDENT] [SIZE] ([PARAMS]) [CHECKSUM] <CR> IDENT : Defines the packet type where r=read, a=action, v= version SIZE : Number characters that make up the [PARAMS] field PARAMS : Optional parameter depending on the message type. Read = Defines the data values to return Action = Defines the action to initiate on the base station. Version = No parameter required. CHECKSUM : An 8 bit checksum of the message. Example To read the current RSSI voltage: r 08 30000001 9D To go to channel 1: a 04 0500 6A
CCI Responses The packet structure for responses from the base station is: [IDENT] [SIZE] [ERROR] ([PARAMS]) [CHECKSUM] <CR> <.> IDENT : Defines the packet type where r=read, a=action, v= version SIZE : Number characters that make up the [PARAMS] field ERROR : Status of last command where: 00 = successful operation, optional PARMS will follow 01 = unsupported command 02 = checksum error 03 = parameter error 04 = invalid terminating character 05 = BS not ready PARAMS : Optional parameter depending on the message type. Read = A string of characters of variable length representing the data value Action = No parameter returned. Version = A string representing the CCI version number. CHECKSUM : An 8 bit checksum of the message. <.> : The “.” (dot) character. Every response is terminated with a dot. Example Current PA output power value: r 04 00 32 45 CCI version number: v 02 01 6A
Monitor over 200 parameters... Reciter: RSSI, Sinad, Line levels, Watchdog, Channels, Frequencies, PA Tx power, Reverse Power, Duty Cycle, Temperatures, Supply Currents, PMU Temperatures, States, Voltages, Currents Other Digital inputs and outputs, Subaudible tones, Task Manager variables, Alarms, Versions, Serial Numbers, Hardware
Control over 400 parameters... Channels – Go to channel Custom Actions, Fan Tests, Reset Counters – Reset, increment, decrement Flags – Set, Clear, Toggle Timers – Start, stop Power Save – Enable, Disable, Toggle Digital outputs – Set, Clear, Toggle Modes – LCB, TTR, CTCSS, DCS, Alarms