Xilinx Kintex7 SRAM-based FPGA 9th APRIL 2018 SpacE FPGA Users Workshop - SEFUW Analysis and Mitigation of Single Event Upsets in Configuration Memory of Xilinx Kintex7 SRAM-based FPGA Sarah Azimi, Luca Sterpone, Boyang Du David Merodio Codinachs Politecnico di Torino- CAD Group Dipartimento di Automatica e Informatica Torino- Italy
Boyang DU - SEFUW2018- Noordwijk- The Netherlands Motivations SRAM-based FPGA High performance High device density (more configurable resources) High flexibility (partial reconfiguration etc.) SRAM cell holding configuration data is highly susceptible against SEU induced by charged particle Space Application Performance Mission critical: Reliability requirement Harsh Environment: charged particles When SRAM-based FPGA is to be deployed in space applications, it has to be verified regarding SEEs induced by radiation effects. Boyang DU - SEFUW2018- Noordwijk- The Netherlands
Boyang DU - SEFUW2018- Noordwijk- The Netherlands Collaboration with ESA SEE analysis and mitigation techniques for programmable devices: Flash-based and SRAM-based SEU in configuration memory FPGA Xilinx Virtex5 Proton test in PSI Neutron test in ISIS and Los Alamos New opportunity with facility in CERN Ultra High Energy Heavy Ion Beam Xilinx Kintex 7 device Paper accepted in NSREC2018 SET in Flash-based FPGA Heavy Ion test in UCL A set of analysis and mitigation tools available VERI-Place, SETA, SET-PAR etc. Boyang DU - SEFUW2018- Noordwijk- The Netherlands
Boyang DU - SEFUW2018- Noordwijk- The Netherlands Outline Introduction Background Radiation Experiment Experiment Results Conclusion and Future Works Boyang DU - SEFUW2018- Noordwijk- The Netherlands
SRAM-based FPGA Introduction Main concern: SEU in configuration memory 1 1 1 Configuration Memory Circuit design mapped on FPGA Boyang DU - SEFUW2018- Noordwijk- The Netherlands
Boyang DU - SEFUW2018- Noordwijk- The Netherlands Background Traditional Solutions Redundancy based Xilinx TMR Tool Scrubbing “Periodically” rewrite / fix configuration memory Partial reconfiguration based Error detection Mitigate permanent fault Boyang DU - SEFUW2018- Noordwijk- The Netherlands
VERI-Place Tool Proposed Method: VERI-Place Tool Error rate prediction w.r.t. SEU in configuration memory Improve design reliability against SEU in configuration memory though Place and Route constraints No hardware overhead Easy to be integrated into standard design flow Boyang DU - SEFUW2018- Noordwijk- The Netherlands
VERI-Place Tool Proposed Method: VERI-Place Tool Error Rate Prediction FPGA Architecture Database VERI-Place Error Rate Prediction Custom Constraints Post-Layout Netlist Gate-Level Netlist HDL/High Level Design Synthesis Bitstream Place & Route BitGen Timing Database Design Constraints (Timing, Power etc.) Design Constraints (Timing, Power etc.) Boyang DU - SEFUW2018- Noordwijk- The Netherlands
Boyang DU - SEFUW2018- Noordwijk- The Netherlands Radiation Experiment Ultra High Energy Heavy Ion Test beam in CERN First time open for third party radiation tests Xenon heavy ion beam energy level set to 40GeV/n effective LET ~3.7 MeV∙cm2/mg using FLUKA considering volume around 1µm3 Boyang DU - SEFUW2018- Noordwijk- The Netherlands
Boyang DU - SEFUW2018- Noordwijk- The Netherlands Experiment Setup Hardware Kintex7 XC7K325T SRAM-Based FPGA 28nm technology ARM-based SoC Software Bubble sort using UART as output Boyang DU - SEFUW2018- Noordwijk- The Netherlands
Boyang DU - SEFUW2018- Noordwijk- The Netherlands Experiment Setup Hardware Kintex7 XC7K325T SRAM-Based FPGA 28nm technology ARM-based SoC Version LUT [#] LUT [%] FF [#] FF [%] BRAM [#] BRAM [%] Plain_SoC 3,907 1.91% 1,189 0.29% 4 0.89% Plain_x50 195,074 95.72% 59,460 14.59% 200 44.94% XTMR_SoC 18,760 9.20% 9,057 2.22% 12 2.70% XTMR_x10 187,557 92.03% 90,572 22.22% 120 26.97% Boyang DU - SEFUW2018- Noordwijk- The Netherlands
Test Setup (Hardware) Experiment Setup Kintex7 Zybo Zynq Processing System UART OUTPUT UART RST Program; Readback Program; Data Transfer USB USB PC Boyang DU - SEFUW2018- Noordwijk- The Netherlands
Boyang DU - SEFUW2018- Noordwijk- The Netherlands Experiment Setup Test Flow Boyang DU - SEFUW2018- Noordwijk- The Netherlands
Two Versions of the design Radiation Test Campaign Two Versions of the design Plain XTMR [XTMR-VP]: Based on XTMR version with VERI-Place mitigation tool applied. (Originally) 12 Hours Slot Some hours occupied by tests on Flash-based FPGA, due to low LET, no SET observed Real effective test hours 4~5 hours Plain: 136 runs; XTMR: 16 runs Boyang DU - SEFUW2018- Noordwijk- The Netherlands
Boyang DU - SEFUW2018- Noordwijk- The Netherlands Experiment Results Error Rate Application Error: when a mismatch at the UART output comparing to golden data Boyang DU - SEFUW2018- Noordwijk- The Netherlands
Boyang DU - SEFUW2018- Noordwijk- The Netherlands Experiment Results Error Rate Cross-Section Boyang DU - SEFUW2018- Noordwijk- The Netherlands
Boyang DU - SEFUW2018- Noordwijk- The Netherlands Experiment Results Patterns Possibility of SEMU Single point/bit of failure -> Single area of failure Boyang DU - SEFUW2018- Noordwijk- The Netherlands
New radiation test results Conclusions & Future Work New radiation test results Ultra High Energy Heavy Ion Test beam in CERN Xilinx Kintex-7 SRAM-based FPGA ARM-based So(P)C VERI-Place error rate prediction VERI-Place mitigated version being planned Comparison with Virtex5 test results Boyang DU - SEFUW2018- Noordwijk- The Netherlands
Thank you very much for your attention! Q&A Boyang DU - SEFUW2018- Noordwijk- The Netherlands