Project Title Subtitle: make sure to specify that project is an improvement project (see SQUIRES elaboration article Presenter(s) Date of presentation
Problem Description Current Knowledge Rationale for Project Methods Agenda Problem Description Current Knowledge Rationale for Project Methods Measures and Analysis Results Discussion ** Lighten the text of the ones that you are NOT discussing (either because they have already been discussed or because they will come after you)
Problem Description and Available Knowledge
Colorectal cancer and screening National statistics State statistics
Colorectal cancer and screening Region (NE Ohio/County/Akron) statistics IMC Statistics
Literature Review and Rationale for Project ** This review should note what has and has not worked in the past (both internal to the IMC and external in the literature)
Previously in the IMC…
In the literature
Project Charter Problem Statement Goal Statement Business Case Project Timeline 5/25/16 6/24/16 7/22/16 8/19/16 9/16/16 Project Scope Current Scope: Process Starts – Process Ends – Team Roles Project Sponsor — Team Lead — Process Engineer — Core Team Members — Subject Matter Experts — Control Improve Analyze Measure Define
Context The Internal Medicine Center is an internal medicine residency based clinic that serves ~10,000 active patients in an urban, underserved area (keep expanding about population, trainees, etc.)
Intervention #1 Description of the intervention in sufficient detail that others could reproduce it Specifics of the team involved in the work (review project charter)
Reliability and validity Approach chosen for assessing the impact of the intervention (statistical models, survey results over time, etc.) including the assessment of any unintended impact of the intervention Approach used to establish whether the observed outcomes were due to the intervention(s). (was there a control group?)
Measures Measures chosen for studying processes and outcomes of the intervention; include rationale for choosing them, their operational definitions, and their validity and reliability How do these measures contribute to the success, failure, efficiency, and cost of the project? Methods employed for assessing completeness and accuracy of data
Analysis What statistical models will be used to draw inferences from the data as well as look for variation in the data, including the effects of time? *** talk to Mike Oravec/Emily George
Ethical Considerations Ethical aspects of implementing and studying the intervention and how they were addressed, including, but not limited to, formal ethics review and potential conflicts of interest
One-column slide with bar chart example Summa Health Sample Preso 06.06.2016
Results Initial steps of the intervention and their evolution over time. If there was a second intervention done, repeat “Study of the intervention” in slides above- you can put the last intervention done in a PDSA cycle format for quick review (see slides further down PPT) Details of the process measures and outcome Contextual elements that interacted with the intervention Observed associations between outcomes, interventions, and relevant contextual elements Unintended consequences such as unexpected benefits, problems, failures, or costs associated with the interventions Details about missing data
One-column slide with bar chart example Summa Health Sample Preso 06.06.2016
Second column wide with pie chart example Bullet one, use tab key or “Decrease/Increase List Level” button, sentence case, 18pt Calibri, SH Gray Bullet two, use tab key or “Decrease/Increase List Level” button, sentence case, 18pt Calibri, SH Gray Bullet three, use tab key or “Decrease/Increase List Level” button, sentence case, 18pt Calibri, SH Gray Summa Health Sample Preso 06.06.2016
Second column narrow with example of table Bullet one, use tab key or “Decrease/Increase List Level” button, sentence case, 18pt Calibri, SH Gray Bullet two, use tab key or “Decrease/Increase List Level” button, sentence case, 18pt Calibri, SH Gray Bullet three, use tab key or “Decrease/Increase List Level” button, sentence case, 18pt Calibri, SH Gray Summa Health Sample Preso 06.06.2016
Summary Key findings, including relevance to the rationale and specific aims Particular strengths of the project
Interpretation Nature of the association between the intervention(s) and the outcomes Comparison of results with findings from other publications Impact of the project on people and systems Reasons for any differences between observed and anticipated outcomes, including the influence of context Costs and strategic trade-offs, including opportunity costs
Limitations Limits to the generalizability of the work Factors that might have limited internal validity such as confounding, bias, or imprecision in the design, methods, measurement, or analysis Efforts made to minimize and adjust for limitations
Conclusions Usefulness of the work Sustainability Potential for spread to other contexts Implications for practice and for further study in the field Suggested next steps
Thank you