Understanding Music and Worship Chapter 5: Honest Worship Exalt His Name Understanding Music and Worship Chapter 5: Honest Worship
What does “honest worship” mean?
What does “honest worship” mean? Worship that is: Focused on God and who He is Generated by a reverence and submission to him who is totally worthy Seeing God as God Sincere and has unqualified expressions of love to God
What does “honest worship” mean? Worship comes from a heart that is free from: Pride Bitterness Anger Legalism Discontent
Characteristics of an honest worshiper? Must have a broken spirit
Characteristics of an honest worshiper? Must have a broken spirit Must practice worshipping
Characteristics of an honest worshiper? Must have a broken spirit Must practice worshipping Must be focused on Him rather than the act
Characteristics of an honest worshiper? Must have a broken spirit Must practice worshipping Must be focused on Him rather than the act Must be an outgrowth of our private time
Characteristics of an honest worshiper? Must have a broken spirit Must practice worshipping Must be focused on Him rather than the act Must be an outgrowth of our private time Expect that God will love us lavishly
Discussion What does honest worship look/feel like Have you ever experienced a time that it just clicked for you/ just didn’t happen – what do you think was the difference This week seemed really pointed to the worship leader – how can you relate it to your own life
Discussion What does honest worship look/feel like Have you ever experienced a time that it just clicked for you/ just didn’t happen – what do you think was the difference ------------------------------------ This week seemed really pointed to the worship leader – how can you relate it to your own life What are some things that prevent you from entering into honest worship What could FCC do to help you have honest worship The author seemed pretty hard on himself in this chapter. What expectations do you have of a worship leader. Is a congregation dependent upon a worship leader to engage in honest worship or do they have a personal responsibility for their own worship?
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Thank You Christopher R Carlson 262 902 1579 Chris@Carlsonworld.net www.carlsonworld.com