Important dates for Spring 2 This overview aims to provide you with enough information to be able to share and discuss the activities being covered in school with your child. It may also provide opportunities for you to visit places of interest connected with the learning taking place at school. It may be that having read the overview you are able to offer experiences and/or resources to enrich your child’s learning experiences. Class 1 Spring Term 2 2018 Homes Long Ago Important dates for Spring 2 PE days this term will be: Monday & Thursday Reading Book Change Days: Mondays Wednesdays Fridays Exciting dates for this half term include: Stunning Start: Friday 23rd February 2018 - Class 1 Assembly: Friday 23rd March Class 1 Trip: Friday 2nd March - Fab Finish: Wednesday 28th March
Homes Long Ago Subject Objectives we will cover Maths Counting, ordering numbers, reading and writing numbers. Measurement & Simple fractions Numbers and place value Addition and subtraction problem solving Recognising & identify names and properties of 2D & 3D shapes. Focus on practical investigations and problem solving activities. English Focus text ‘6 Dinner Sid’ Listening & responding to stories, poems and non-fiction texts. Recount writing – holidays, trips Writing the thoughts of Sid. Story writing – a new adventure for Sid. Poetry & Descriptive writing Daily phonics Science Observing Seasonal changes Geography Local area investigations - Using fieldwork and observational skills to study the local area. Investigating human and physical features of different environments and locations Using maps and aerial photos PE & Games Indoor Athletics Gym – sequences, balancing, travelling Dance - moving to music, putting together a sequence of movements, moving with co-ordination and control Art / DT Clay sculptures – using tools & techniques appropriately ICT WE ARE COLLECTORS Use web search engines to collect pictures of different animals. Explore different ways to organise the pictures that we have collected. Saving and retrieving data. RE / PSHE Belonging Whole school values. Circle time activities to focus on friendship, being kind and learning how to co-operate with others. Rights Respecting – articles and activities Music ‘Rhythm in the way we walk’ Listening and appraising different music styles. Learn & perform our focus song. Take part in musical games and activities