BUSS 217 Scenario 3 Sexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment The US Equal Opportunity Employment Commission defines workplace sexual harassment as unwelcome sexual advances or conduct of a sexual nature which unreasonably interferes with the performance of a person’s job or create an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment. Sexual Harassment at Work-Find Law retrieved from https://employment.findlaw.com/employment
Scenario 3 When my coworkers tell sexual jokes about women, it makes me uncomfortable, being constantly touched even though I have repeatedly discouraged the action, and the inactivity by the Human Resource department manager, who seems to be condoning the situation all constitutes as sexual harassment.
Case Law (Teresa Harris v Forklift Systems, Inc.) In this case Teresa’s boss sexually harassed her both publicly and privately. Disregarding her opinions because of her gender and disrespecting her and other female co-workers making obscene gestures and innuendos. Justice O’Connor opined that “the language of Title VII is not limited to ‘economic’ or ‘tangible’ discrimination” (Kubasek, 2017).
Solution The solution to this problem is to report the president to the higher authorities of the company. If there is still inaction, contact the EEOC and file a formal complaint. Make sure to document all occurrences and gather witness to corroborate your story.