Exam 1 prep session February 15, 2019
Reminder : First assignment due by EOD Friday. - Individual Reminder : First assignment due by EOD Friday! - Individual - No late assignment accepted (late or missing = 0%) - If sent to the wrong owlbox folder : 20% penalty
Reminder : Grading Components Percentage Exam 1 20% Exam 2 Exam 3 Project (team grade) Assignments (1 individual / 2 team) 10% Class (5%)/Team Contributions (5%) 10%
Exam 1 Week 1 to 5 : Content : 70% 30% Format : Closed books - Readings - Videos - Web Research - Lectures - Change leadership discussion (stories) 70% 30% Format : Closed books 20 questions (multiple choices & open ended) 50 minutes
Exam 1 – Example 1 Question : Describe a well-Define Objective and provide an example S.M.A.R.T. : Specific Measurable Achievable or Attainable Relevant Time-bound (date or specific period) Examples : Achieve 75% of billable utilization in Q1 Sign 8M$ of services in the East Region in 1H
Exam 1 – Example 2 Question : In “Meetings Down Under”, the organization changed the format of their meetings and experienced a dramatic improvement in the effectiveness of their meetings. What was at the heart of this change? explain Focus, focus, focus and Discipline! With the new format (1.5 days/agenda/facilitator/documented actions) they limited their focus of each meeting to one major topic and the new format focused on addressing that topic and moving forward. The old format allowed for dozens of unrelated topics and never ending brainstorming sessions. They spent their time talking and talking and never accomplishing anything concrete.