MSFD list of criteria elements Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Common Implementation Strategy 18th meeting of the Working Group on Good Environmental Status (WG GES) Conference Centre Albert Borschette, Brussels MSFD list of criteria elements for 2018 MS reporting and COM DEC 2017/848/EU support Andreas Palialexis, Ana-Cristina Cardoso, (D1, D2) Victoria Tornero, Georg Hanke (D8) Francesca Somma 21.09.2017
2018 reporting and GES Decision support: Contaminants for D8C1 Document: GES_18-2017-02 The purpose of the work is to: 1. Identify substances considered by MS for 2018 reporting 2. Provide harmonized nomenclature 3. Support consistency of substance grouping/combining
Consideration of contaminant lists Global conventions: Stockholm Convention, Rotterdam Convention, Basel Convention, UNECE Conventions European legislation: WFD, Registration, evaluation and authorisation of chemicals (REACH), Food and feed safety legislation European Regional Seas: UNEP MAP Barcelona Convention, Black Sea Commission, HELCOM, OSPAR Others: US-EPA priority pollutants list, JRC list of marine- relevant contaminants, emerging contaminants identified and compiled by the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) and the NORMAN Network
D8 Actions We invite to update the MSFD expert network on contaminants (previously consulted for COM DEC review process) by 16.10.2017 JRC will distribute the comprehensive substance list to experts for consultation 31.10.2017 to: timely finalize list to be tested in the web forms for 2018 reporting as drop-down lists discuss substances grouping according to the COM DEC 2017/848/EU requirements The last two bullets refer to the 1) “practical” use of the list with their inclusion in the web-forms, that targets mostly DIKE and 2) the GES Decision requirements
D1 2018 reporting and COM DEC 2017/848/EU support: Progress on D1 lists of species and habitats Document: GES_18-2017-03 The purpose of the work is to: 1. Facilitate the 2018 reporting of updates for MSFD Articles 8, 9 and 10; 2. Ensure consistency in the data entered; 3. Apply Art.8 guidance methodology for the identification of elements for assessment considering the indications, rules and frameworks proposed by the COM DEC 2017/848/EU
Method D1 List of species and habitats Align all existing lists with the new COM DEC 2017/848/EU Tables 1 and 2
Method D1 List of species and habitats Align lists with the new COM DEC 2017/848/EU Tables 1 and 2 RSCs lists (monitoring and assessment)
Method D1 List of species and habitats Align lists with the new COM DEC 2017/848/EU Tables 1 and 2 RSCs lists (monitoring and assessment) Other policies (e.g. Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC, 2009/147/EC Birds Directive) and agreements
Method D1 List of species and habitats Align lists with the new COM DEC 2017/848/EU Tables 1 and 2 RSCs lists (monitoring and assessment) Other policies (e.g. Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC, 2009/147/EC Birds Directive) and agreements MSFD MS reports of 2012 for MSFD Art. 8, 9 & 10 and the 2014 reporting for Art. 11 in EEA’s MSFD database
Method D1 List of species and habitats Align lists with the new COM DEC 2017/848/EU Tables 1 and 2 RSCs lists (monitoring and assessment) Other policies (e.g. Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC, 2009/147/EC Birds Directive) and agreements MSFD MS reports of 2012 for MSFD Art. 8, 9 & 10 and the 2014 reporting for Art. 11 in EEA’s MSFD database Outcome: pool of species and habitats from where the MS will draw on for their MSFD D1 assessment
D1 Actions We invite to update the JRC expert network on D1 (previously consulted for COM DEC review process) by 16.10.2017 JRC will distribute a methodology paper and working list to experts Consult with expert network on species and habitats to: timely finalize list to be tested in the web forms for 2018 reporting as drop-down lists refine the lists for the D1 assessment according to the COM DEC 2017/848/EU requirements The last two bullets refer to the 1) “practical” use of the list with their inclusion in the webforms, that targets mostly DIKE and 2) the GES Decision requirements (where we also foresee follow-up work on methodological standards) The benefit the work foreseen in the second point can also be the observations of possible adequacy of the lists (per group per subregion) so that MS can (re)consider the lists they will report in 2018 (or later). These 'observations' need to be brought back to WG GES (next spring) and possibly fed into Art 8 guidance and will be included in the working papers
2018 reporting and GES Decision support: D2 lists of NIS Document: GES_18-2017-04 The purpose of the work is to: Contribute to consolidated baseline inventories of marine NIS per MS by the reference year of 2012, on which the 2018 reporting will be based; 2. Facilitate discussions for the development of recommendations and best practices for common agreed methodological standards and rules on setting reference levels
Approach D2 The analysis includes: Evaluation of the NIS baselines of 2012 Spotting missing NIS Highlighting NIS found after 2012 By using EASIN Catalogue & Geodatabase NIS baseline of 2012 extracted from: MSFD MS report for 2012 (Table for NIS inventory) Paper reports, where no e-reporting was available EASIN Catalogue: pan-European inventory of AS
D2 Actions We invite to update the JRC expert network on NIS (previously consulted for COM DEC review process) by 16.10.2017 JRC will distribute a methodology paper and working list per MS to experts Consult with expert network on NIS in order to facilitate reporting by assessing and integrating the NIS lists prepared by the JRC for each Member State Discuss common rules for setting reference levels for D2C1 “newly-introduced NIS'‘ Lists finalized with the contribution of experts and brought back to WG GES, also to provide input for the Art.8 guidance
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