Meeting Friday 13th September 2013 Hayley Burden Review of Nominations and Operational Balancing Times for Modification Proposal 461 Meeting Friday 13th September 2013 Hayley Burden
Nominations and Operational Balancing - Background UNC Section C Nominations – 6 clauses containing time references UNC Section D Operational Balancing and Trading Arrangements – 10 clauses containing time references Predominantly shipper/trader related processes, therefore views of those users are key in making the right decisions around any proposed changes
Nominations NG NTS Recommendations D-1 Nomination times are suitably detached from the start/end of the day to not be affected by the change to the Gas Day Last time for shippers to renominate on the Day (D 04:00) is impacted by new Gemini outage time (03:00-04:59) Times related to Calorific Value Information are not expected to be affected from the change to the Gas Day Times related to Trade Nomination submissions are affected by the new Gemini outage time Time related to Trade Nomination rejection impacted by new Gas Day start time
Operational Balancing & Trading Arrangements NG NTS Recommendations Most times associated with Trading Arrangements and Market Transactions are not expected to be impacted Last Contract Renomination time in relation to the physical market is impacted by the new Gemini outage time Last time for acceptance of market offers will also be impacted by the new Gemini outage time Transaction effective time on the Market Offer Date recommended to align with the start of new Gas Day