ACT Work Keys Test Seniors who took ACT WorkKeys can pick up your results during lunch today outside the cafeteria from Ms. Glover. You'll get a small treat!
Attention All Students You should only be entering the building through the front building doors before school. Between 7:15-2:15 you must only use the main entrance and you will need to be buzzed in. Other doors throughout the building are not to be used as entrances.
Attention Seniors Did you know that you can win a free lunch by turning in your scholarship award letters to Guidance? Email them to Whitney Matthews or stop by guidance with them. You will also get recognized at Awards Day for any scholarships you turn in that you are accepting!
Art Auction The Spanish National Honors Society and Multicultural Club. We will have an Art auction/sale on the Week of April 24-28 in the commons area. Please bring your art and you will receive half of the price. See Mrs. Henry in room 302.
Badminton Club There will be a Badminton Club meeting in room 408 on Friday, April 7th.
Cap and Gown pictures will be taken April 25th. Cap & Gown Pictures Cap and Gown pictures will be taken April 25th.
FCA/YCI is hosting a dodgeball tournament in the Main Gym on May 10th. Teams must be 6-8 people. Sign up at All participants must be currently enrolled at JMRHS. There is no entry fee.
Fashion Show Apparel classes are hosting a fashion show in the auditorium on April 25th. All proceeds will benefit the track team. There will be a $3 admission for students and parents.
Fashion Show The Fashion Show Team is looking for people who love to do hair and make-up. We will need you for a consultation with the designers and from 3-7 on April 25th. If you are interested in making your mark, bring photos of your work to Dr. Donovan in room 710. All entries must be received by April 12th.
FCA/YCI Come out and join our Bible club, FCA/YCI, that meets every Wednesday morning at 6:30am in the Main Gym. All are welcome!
Our 2016-2017 film festival is April 11th. Prepare your movies to submit for great prizes! It’s 5 dollars per submission.
Harry Potter Club Harry Potter Club will meet this Friday at 2:30 in Room 308 to play trivia and vote on House banners. Wear your colors for points and be on time!
Health Occupations Any students who applied to Nursing Fundamentals, Please stop by Ms. Stegalls room today to pick up a letter regarding acceptance into the Nursing Fundamentals program.
Baked Spaghetti with Texas Toast Lunch Menu Baked Spaghetti with Texas Toast Grilled Chicken BLT Potato Wedges Spinach Salad Fresh Grapes Chilled Peaches Burger Bar
Tickets go on sale after spring break. Prom Prom is May 13th at Gibson Mill cost is 50 dollars per person and will go on sale in April. Tickets go on sale after spring break.
Senior Shout Out Congratulations Ida Ekuban who was awarded the UNC Greensboro Chancellor’s Scholarhip.
Talent Show 10th Annual Talent Show will be on April 13th 6-8 pm in the school auditorium.
You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown. Theatre Presents You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown. April 6-8th In the auditorium. Tickets are 7 dollars.
Throwback Thursday Send your throwback pictures to or bring them to room 912 to have them appear on our announcements.
This weeks’ SPORTS
Track has a home meet. Tennis has a match. Tonight’s Sports Track has a home meet. Tennis has a match.
Softball plays at Hickory Ridge on Friday.
Soccer plays at Hickory Ridge on Friday.
Baseball plays at Hickory Ridge on Friday.
Golfer’s Needed If you are interested in playing Men’s Golf see Mr. Mathews in room 407.