Xpress haven mobile activity bus
Bullying, Cyber Bullying, purpose HOW WOULD THE M.A.B. SERVE THE COMMUNITY? AWARENESS FIRST AND FOR MOST! Bringing about Awareness on subjects that don’t have much room in the classroom. The M.A.B. will be an experience the kids will never forget. Its innovative way of introducing new and improved ways to BE AWARE of the epidemics our communities face almost daily. Thus giving the children a new perspective and INDUCE CHANGE. Subjects include but not limited to: Drugs, Alcohol, Hygiene, Bullying, Cyber Bullying, Cultural Differences
Life Skills and critical thinking General Politeness (even when people aren’t polite to you) Understanding Empathy Obedience Don’t Just Say No, Leave to Situation Critical Thinking: Creative Thinking Academic Fun (Games with Academic elements) Effective Communication/ Memory Skills
Calling all Community servers!!!!!! Community service bus? YEP! Second to None If we don’t take care of our community who will? Dallas/Fort Worth is BIG and Beautiful! The M.A.B. Community servers will go about CLEANING, ALL WHILE ENCOURAGING THE PEOPLE IN THE COMMUNITY TO PARTICIPATE!