Innovative Public Services Group Europe is full of colours and variety. Innovative Public Services Group DG Troika Sunday, 28th May 2006
CAF Regional Benchlearning Project Case Study Citizen Charters Agenda IPSG.AT in a nutshell CAF Regional Benchlearning Project Case Study Citizen Charters
CAF Regional Benchlearning Project Case Study Citizen Charters IPSG.AT in a nutshell CAF Regional Benchlearning Project Case Study Citizen Charters
IPSG.AT in a nutshell Main Outcome IPSG Troika, Vienna, January IPSG I Vienna, February CAF I Vienna, March CAF II, Vienna, April Seven Meetings during the Austrian Presidency IPSG II Vienna, April CAF III, Copenhagen, June Customer Satisfaction, Vienna, June Finalization of revised version of CAF 2006 Publication „CAF works – better service for the citizens by using CAF“ Ongoing Preparations for the 4th quality conference in Tampere Customer Satisfaction Survey
CAF Regional Benchlearning Project Case Study Citizen Charters IPSG.AT in a nutshell CAF Regional Benchlearning Project Case Study Citizen Charters
CAF Regional Benchlearning Project EU pilot project on benchlearning based on CAF Model - new initiative Participating countries: Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia Period of time: 2005 – 2006 4 working groups of: cities, ministries, districts and regional administrative organisations. Study the feasibility of international CAF Benchlearning Improvement of CAF results Increasing of crossborder cooperation of public administrations in the region CAF promotion Goals
CAF Regional Benchlearning Project Case Study Citizen Charters IPSG.AT in a nutshell Case Study Citizen Charters
Case Study Citizen Charters Presentations from Estonia, United Kingdom, The Netherlands and Malta In many countries more client orientation in the public sector and improvement of public services is a hot topic. The presentations showed that citizen charters are very helpful to come closer to the objective mentioned. In Europe many countries practice one form or another of a citizen charter. At the same time the question arises which is the most effective format. Question of compensation remained open. There is substantive evidence that a charter mark program increases the effectiveness of using citizen charters con- siderably. Charters should consist of the following elements: Clear and concrete quality standards, on the basis of citizen involvement Communication: extensively show the content of the standard Compensation (‘Promise is Debt’) (open) Complaints procedure: accessible and simple Continued improvement: evaluation of results
Thank you for your attention! Michael Kallinger, IPSG Chair Federal Chancellery