Arts Web
Arts Web 22 departments, 26 main centres Main Web Servers: Faculty (hosts several) Arts student web server Glasgow Story Erpanet Historical Thesaurus SCOTS Corpus
Arts Web Moodles plus iCampus (49 courses) Celtic - 1 moodle School of English and Scottish Language and Literature (SESLL) English Language - 7 English Literature - 13 Scottish Literature - 1 History - 4 Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute (HATII) - 18 Music - 4 School of Modern Languages and Cultures (SMLC) French - 8 German - 4 Italian - 1 Spanish - 1 Portuguese - 3 plus iCampus (49 courses)
Arts Web General picture Web used for web designed by staff member or RDO maintained by secretary or administrator changes requested by departmental staff Web used for internal information for students & staff raising research profile advertising to prospective students
Arts Web Who maintains your departmental web? Secretaries 60% RDOs 10% "not sure, anyone I think" 10% academic staff member 20% Practice School of English, Slavonic Studies: administrator/secretary mounts material but everything is vetted by an academic staff member for ethical, copyright and accessibility issues Archaeology, HATII, Hispanic: an academic staff member does everything
Arts Web Who designed your departmental web? "a staff member" 30% Resource Development Officer 30% departmental administrator or secretary 10% don't know, its been there a long time 30%
Arts Web Who decides what should go on your web? Head of department 10% specific staff member 60% discussed in staff meetings 20% "anyone can have anything there" 10%
Arts Web What would you like to be able to use the web for that you cannot now? on-line forms for registration and form filling seminar enrolment (lifetime: 1 week) outside course bookings (2-3 months) timetables for advisee appointments (1-2 months) reserving books, videos from department secure access to allow distribution of marks interactive exercise material with record of who had used, when and what multilingual repository of agenda/minutes
Arts Web What changes would you like? Control of update so course convenors can alter their own courses but only their own courses Control of access so students can see deeper details of only their own courses preferably with transparent authentication (no re- entering passwords) Ability to make quick changes to mount material for, say, just this afternoon University look-and-feel but also clear departmental identity on our pages Multiple languages Automatic production of printable versions
Arts Web Languages We teach Czech, Polish, Russian, use material in Hungarian, Norwegian, Finnish, Icelandic... all must be supported. Automatic production of printable versions, whether text or PDF must support at least these languages. Dreamweaver will not support Polish and Russian in the same page. Typing "alt-2-4-5" is not an acceptable way of entering text.
Comments I realise the decision has already been taken but it seems as if it has been made without consulting the people who currently carry out these tasks. It'd be good to know the University's plans and how the new system will work. I'm sure CMS has a lot going for it in terms of ease of use, but it sounds like it's almost defeating the purpose of web design if we resort to "corporate branding" and almost turning it into another form of word processing. Whatever happens try to make sure it is integrated with all the databases MIS runs.