Culture Creative Industries There are 74 spoken languages in the borough including Gujarati, Punjabi, Japanese, Malay, Finnish and Yoruba. BME population in Blackburn with Darwen is 31% compared to a national average of 15% and a North West average of 10% Creative employment grew at twice the national average, and investment in creative industry interventions generates footfall and income for the visitor economy.
Providing an alternative offer Using what we have – empty shops, alternative venues (museum, St John’s, Blakey’s), an enthused student population Facilitating events, activities, workshops Adding creative value to existing town centre events Kick-starting creative-led activity to enhance regeneration projects – Urban Room
By Skill & Hard Work – promotes local talent across the region Issue 6 is going to print.
Demand for more creative business space Move to facilitate events rather than deliver Creative Collective to take over St Johns Creative Hive network to grow next year