National Jr Honor Society October 3, 2017
Remind Info Text: 81010 Type message: @tjhsnjhs
Service Hours NJHS members are responsible for recording and tracking their own hours Remember that you are representing NJHS when you do your volunteer work, always be dependable and respectful
NJHS Torches Pick up your torch template before you leave. You should put your name on it, decorate/color it, cut it out, put your first & last name on the back with your locker number Please return to Mrs. Stavinoha by Friday, so that she can laminate it and place it on your locker
Fall Fundraiser Fundraiser will begin on Tuesday, October 24th Meeting before school at 7:00 am on October 24th to pick up materials All members need to participate Each member should sell as many as possible – Goal units/Pastries each Only sell to people you know – DO NOT go door to door Ask parents, family, friends, teachers, coaches, etc. Funds will pay towards NJHS parties, teacher appreciation, charitable/civic donations, and induction expenses. Fundraiser will end on November 6th Orders and money will be due the following day at our meeting (November 7th) Orders will be delivered on November 16th!!!! In time for Thanksgiving!! You will need to arrange for car transportation that day Orders will be delivered frozen and they will need to be placed in freezer ASAP
T-Shirts These will be grey with red and black ink Both short sleeve and long sleeve will be available You will order and pay for your own shirt Remind message will be sent out with the website address and price
Upcoming Meetings October 24th – pick up fundraiser information November 7th – regular meeting (fundraiser orders and money due) December 5th – regular meeting