Whole School Forum Ripple Reading Assembly today is going to give you some information about our next Whole School Forum for this year. Who remembers what a forum is? (For new staff – we had a few of these last year). Next slide… May 2016
What is a Forum? Definition: A meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged. Read through slide
The views of children are very important! Why have a Forum? “ Every voice is heard.” The views of children are very important! Why we have a forum at Ripple – it links to our mission statement about every voice being heard. We think that children have lots of really good ideas to help us to move our school forward. The focus for our forum is reading. We have worked hard to improve reading at Ripple over the last two years and we want to know what you think about those changes.
Adults have worked hard… to make learning to read more fun and interesting. Tell the person next to you something you have really enjoyed about reading this year…. Be ready to share your views with everyone. We have had training sessions where teachers have learned more about teaching reading. Teachers learn new things at school, too! We have used themes from stories for role play to help children to understand the ideas in stories more. We have bought lots of new books to make reading more fun and interesting for everyone. We have developed reading areas across the school to make reading more appealing to children. We have our very own Ripple Reading sessions – no other school has the same as this – it is very special to Ripple! Partner talk – what has been special for the children?
Adults have worked hard… to make sure that all children make good progress in their reading. Because of this: More children in every year group are able to read at expected. Children at Ripple can read as well as children in other schools across the country.
What do you think about… Ripple Reading Sessions? Class Reading Areas? Reading at home? So, we want to know what you all think about the changes that have been made to reading at Ripple. Go through list…
Class Task In your Ripple Reading Groups this week please complete the Attitudes to Reading questionnaire. T:\Staff Resources\Leadership and Management\Subject Leadership\2015-16\English\2015-16\Reading\Reading Monitoring Summaries\Attitudes to Reading Survey May 2016.docx You might be asked to work as a group without an adult and in some classes you might work with an adult. Link to questionnaire on slide. Open questionnaire to show what children will have to do.
Miss Barlex will use the information you provide to help her to plan next steps to make reading even better at Ripple!
Thank you! We can’t wait to hear all of your feedback. Thank you! Mrs Ziane, Graham and Miss Barlex.