class news Mrs. Nichols’ 10/29-11/2 Test Dates: A Note from the Teacher What’s Happening in... This week in reading, we will read a text called Brave Harriet. We will learn to stop and ask questions about a text we read to help our comprehension. We will begin our informative writing unit. In grammar, we will begin learning about verb tenses. Test Dates: Voc.Week 2/3 Test: 11/2 Grammar Quiz (Verb Tenses): 11/2 Comprehension Quiz: 10/26 Word Study List #6 Test: 11/2 Make sure to study vocabulary and spelling EVERY night. Students should also read at least 20 minutes each night. Students may do a reading fair project for an EXTRA 10 points on their lowest ELA comprehension grade. Reading fair boards can be purchased in the office for $2.00. Homework reminder Homework packets are sent home on Mondays and due on Fridays. Study and practice vocabulary/spelling nightly. Dates to remember Fall Treat Bags (Nichols’ Homeroom): 10/31 Father/Son Camp Out Money Due on `10/30. $7 per person. Riverboat Field Trip: 11/8 (Wear class t=shirts!) Thank You, Mrs. Nichols
class news Mrs. Nichols’ 10/22-10/26 Deed Needle Repeat Dream Peanut Spelling words vocabulary Deed Needle Repeat Dream Peanut Dollar Spark Bird Fern Spurt Great Want Right Around Through Study these nightly. Test is on 11/2. Week 4 Vocabulary: Clarify: to make something easier to understand. Spare: More than what is needed. Strain: To try your hardest. Remain: To stay in one place or continue. Exotic: Very different or unusual. Study nightly. Test is on 11/2 on week 3 and week 4 vocabulary. Thank You, Mrs. Nichols