Rotary District 7610 Foundation Seminar Aug 21, 2010 The Rotary Foundation Rotary District 7610 Foundation Seminar Aug 21, 2010
District 7610 Foundation Seminar Welcome DG Ron Marion
Our Guests
PDG Joe Mulkerrin
PDG Jim Pierce
District 7610 Rotary Foundation Giving 2009-10 DRFC Travis White
District Giving 2009-10 Annual Program Fund (APF) Goal - $337,336 APF Giving - $453,904 APF Goal Achieved – 134.56% APF Per Capita - $207.26 (8th in the world!) Restricted Giving/Permanent Fund - $168,222 Total Giving - $622,125 No non-giving clubs EREY Clubs - 21 Sustaining Member Clubs - 6 Sustaining Members – 59% 100% Paul Harris Clubs - 5
District Giving 2008-09 (Cont’d) Major Donors – 16 Bequest Society Members – 5 New Paul Harris Society Members – 40 (total – 110)
Recent Giving History 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Year Goal APF Goal Achieved APF % APF Per Cap Total Giving 2004-05 $180,000 $219,359 122% $96.68 $331,943 2005-06 $234,240 $258,918 111% $115.49 $351,116 2006-07 $224,140 $390,865 174% $180.70 $588,271 2007-08 $315,005 $392,408 125% $176.44 $600,808 2008-09 $324,520 $339,361 105% $150.05 $453,202 2009-10 $337,336 $453.904 135% $207.26 $622,125
APF Benefit 2010-11 DGN Ron Marion District Designated Funds 50% APF - $196,204 Permanent Fund Distribution – $3,724 Total Share - $199,928 Allowed: Districted Simplified Grant $39,240 (26 clubs) Remaining Humanitarian and Educational Programs - $160,688 $65,000 Educational – 2 Ambassadorial Scholarships; GSE $95,688 Grants – 16 projects
Projection 2011-12 DGE Jon Allan APF 2008-09: $339,562 DDF 50% APF - $169,781 Permanent Fund Distribution $0 Total Share - $169,781 Allows: DSG - $33,911 (22 clubs – 4 less) Remaining for Humanitarian & Educational Programs - $135,825 $52,000 Educational (GSE paid by World Fund) $83,825 Humanitarian - $11,863 less – 4+/- fewer grants
Projection 2012-13 DGN Steve Cook APF 2009-10: $453,904 DDF 50% APF - $226,952 Permanent Fund Distribution $? Total Share - $226,952 Allows: DSG - $45,390 (30 clubs) Remaining for Humanitarian & Educational Programs - $181,562 $65,000 Educational ? (GSE paid by DDF) $116,562 Humanitarian (20+/- grants)
APF Giving 2010-11 (Through Aug 16) Where are we so far this year? Goal: $335,610 APF: $34,939 APF % of Goal: 10.41% Good Start – about $2,000 more than end Aug last year
APF Conclusion Important we continue momentum from last year! Need to continue early emphasis: Encourage EREY (Rotarian gives something) EREY Club (everyone gives something; club per cap ≤ $100) Sustaining membership (every Rotarian gives $100) Paul Harris Society (Rotarian pledges $1,000/year) Major Donors (Rotarian gives accumulated total of $10,000) Major Gift ($10,000, 3 year pledge option) Club leadership and Foundation Chairs urged to participate in Fund Development Workshop during breakouts