Key outcomes of the training programme, held in Japan on Oct. 2017 WORKSHOP ON ACCELERATING RENEWABLE ENERGY DEPLOYMENT IN SMALL ISLAND DEVELOPING STATES (SIDS) Novotel Hotel, SUVA, FIJI: 12-15 DECEMBER 2017 Key outcomes of the training programme, held in Japan on Oct. 2017 Abdessalem RABHI, PhD. Programme Manager, IGES
Background: Key related events held by the organizers Year Location Type of event Key focus 2015 Honolulu Workshop Transforming Pacific Island Energy Systems Kuala Lumpur Financing for Renewable Energy 2016 Tokyo Training Programme Nadi 2017 Tokyo and Kobe Support Renewable Energy Deployment through policies and regulation Energy Deployment through Developing Project Proposals to Access GCF Suva Follow Up workshop
Outline of the training programme Dates: 23-27 October 2017 Location Tokyo and Kobe, Japan Content Indoor learning/working groups Outdoor field visits Targeted countries Fiji Maldives Mozambique Palau Samoa
Approaches and Methods Pre & Post training evaluation Indoor and outdoor activities Working with actual GCF templates Group work using actual project ideas prepared prior to the course Follow-up/mentoring up-on request(s) in-door training sessions
Project idea which were shared/discussed at the training Country Project idea Fiji Switching from diesel to electric buses Maldives Installation of a mix of Solar PV (roof top) and Diesel hybrid system Mozambique Installation of a 13,5 MW solar power plant at Mopeia Admnistrative Post, District of Mopeia Palau Installation of 6.5 MW of solar photovoltaic (PV) and 5.5 MW of wind in 2020, growing significantly to 28.5 MW of PV and 11.5 MW of wind by 2025. Samoa Installation of a Designated Transmission line 33kV for Solar (sub marine cable)
Key outcomes Awareness has been created/enhanced on: Efforts towards promoting renewable energy in Japan Available tools for project development Similarities and differences in operational procedures of Climate Financing Entities (CFEs) Challenges in developing GCF concept notes Capacity has been developed/enhanced on developing GCF Concept Note using actual GCF templates Opinions have been exchanged on how to improve/strengthen initial project idea towards developing project proposals/concept notes Networks have been created/enhanced among participants along with resource persons
Examples of recommendations Examples of given recommendations that can be included in the project proposals Country Examples of recommendations Fiji Include the installation of power stations to recharge buses Maldives -Include the establishment of building code (clime proof) -Consider energy efficiency at the targeted buildings (hotels, schools, hospitals, etc.) Mozambique Include upscaling component Palau Consider more holistic project that includes: Wind, Solar, Energy efficiency, long term planning, research, grid strengthening, etc. Samoa Include awareness creation and capacity building programmes
Overview of Pre & Post training evaluation
Overview of overall training evaluation
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