Srinivas Kandala Sharp Labs E-Mail: September 2004 Tge’s requests to ANA Srinivas Kandala Sharp Labs E-Mail: Srinivas Kandala, Sharp Labs
Month 2002 doc.: IEEE 802.11-02/xxxr0 September 2004 Reason code One new reason code is needed due to resolution to comments Adachi/5 and Takagi/3. Preferred value is shown in the left column 45 Peer QSTA does not support the requested cipher suite Srinivas Kandala, Sharp Labs John Doe, His Company
Motion for Specific Number September 2004 Motion for Specific Number Believing that the reason code 45 should be reserved and owned by TGe Request the assigned numbers authority to assign a reason code for the use of TGe. The reason code 45 is specifically requested to be assigned, if available Movers: TG: x/x Result: x-x-x WG: x/x Result: x-x-x Srinivas Kandala, Sharp Labs
Capability Information Field September 2004 Capability Information Field Tge needed bits for indicating support to “Immediate Block Ack” and “Delayed Block Ack” Tge already owns a bit for Block Ack – bit 14. It would be best to get bit 12 which is currently not assigned be assigned to “Immediate Block Ack” and convert bit 14 to “Delayed Block Ack”. Srinivas Kandala, Sharp Labs
Motion for Specific Number September 2004 Motion for Specific Number Believing that the capability information field bit 15 should be reserved and owned by TGe Request the assigned numbers authority to assign one capability information field bit for the use of TGe. Bit 15 is specifically requested to be assigned, if available. Movers: TG: x/x Result: x-x-x WG: x/x Result: x-x-x Srinivas Kandala, Sharp Labs
September 2004 Motion Move to request the ANA to convert the designation of bit 14 to “Delayed Block Ack” Moved by Srini/ Srinivas Kandala, Sharp Labs
September 2004 QoS Action IE Tge does not need this IE and can be released back to ANA for a future assignment. Move to request ANA to de-assign the IE 45 for future use. Moved by Srini/ Srinivas Kandala, Sharp Labs
Motion to Release Number September 2004 Motion to Release Number Believing that the information element “QoS Action”is owned by Tge Request that the ANA release the 45th information element with the name “QoS Action”. Movers: TG: x/x Result: x-x-x WG: x/x Result: x-x-x Srinivas Kandala, Sharp Labs