US History Jeopardy KJ Productions
More life… colonial style Early America Jeopardy What’s my job? More life… colonial style Taxes-NO WAY Where are we? Desert or Forest 10 20 30 40 50
captured in Africa and sold, no rights, treated as property 10 points Category 1 - 10
Who are African slaves?
few chances for education, worked in the home, few chances for education, could not vote 20 points Category 1 - 20
Who are women?
men and women who agreed to work for 4 to 7 years in return for ships passage 30 points
Who are indentured servants?
this group lived mostly in the south and relied on slave and indentured servants for labor 40 points
Who are large landowners (plantation owners)?
villages or on plantations skilled craftsmen in villages or on plantations 50 points
Who are artisans?
Villages revolved around the church in this colonial region 10 points
What are the New England colonies?
This colonial region had few cities; few schools; Church of England is main religion 20 points
What are the Southern colonies?
decisions were made in town meetings in this colonial region 30 points
What are the New England colonies?
In this colonial region areas were divided into counties for political purposes 40 points
What are the Southern colonies?
decisions made in market towns in this colonial region 50 points
What are the Middle (Mid-Atlantic) Colonies?
sent by England to govern colonies 10 points
Who are the governors?
colonists were forced to obey these 20 points
What are English (British) laws?
these were imposed to raise revenue in the colonies 30 points
What are taxes?
no representation in this colonists had no representation in this English law-making body 40 points
What is Parliament?
England kept strict control over what 2 things in the colonies 50 points
What is colonial legislature, trade, or laws?
country exploring coast of West Africa 10 points
What is Portugal?
eastern Canada for England man who explored eastern Canada for England 20 points
Who is John Cabot?
the French settlement of man who established the French settlement of Quebec 30 points
Who is Samuel de Champlain?
United States for Spain man who claimed southwestern United States for Spain 40 points
Who is Francisco Coronado?
Mississippi River Valley man who claimed the Mississippi River Valley for France 50 points
Who is Robert de La Salle?
Native American group that settled in Alaska and northern Canada 10 points
What are the Inuit (Arctic)?
Native American group that settled in the Great Plains 20 points
Who are the Sioux (Plains)?
Native American group that settled in southwestern United States 30 points
What are the Pueblo (Southwest)?
Native American group that settled in the northeastern United States 40 points
What are the Iroquois (Eastern Woodland)?
Native American group that settled in California and the northwestern coast 50 points
What are the Kwakiutl (Northwest)?