Land and Sea Breezes SPI 0607.8.1 Analyze data to identify events associated with heat convection in the atmosphere.


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Presentation transcript:

Land and Sea Breezes SPI 0607.8.1 Analyze data to identify events associated with heat convection in the atmosphere.

TNReady Question

C. formation of a hurricane Answer

Learning Objective for today EQ: What is the difference between land and sea breezes? I can explain how land and sea breezes are different. Learning Objective for today

Check For Understanding What causes land and sea breezes? A. large bodies of water B. early summer C. convection Check For Understanding

C. convection causes sea and land breezes Answer

Check for understanding What time of day does a sea breeze occur? A. morning only B. during the day C. at night Check for understanding

B. Sea breezes occur during the day answer

Label your diagram

Check for Understanding Which cools faster at night? A. Land B. Water Check for Understanding

A. At night land cools faster than water. Answer

Label your diagram

SEA Breeze Summary What causes a sea breeze? When does a sea breeze occur? What direction does the air flow during a sea breeze? SEA Breeze Summary

Sea Breeze Warm air rises above the heated land causing a low pressure pocket. Cooler air from above the water moves into that low pressure area. Sea breezes occur during the day. From sea to land

Land Breeze Summary What causes a land breeze? When does a land breeze occur? What direction does the air flow during a land breeze? Land Breeze Summary

At night land cools quicker than water, the warm air over the sea moves upward, the cooler land air moves out to take its place. Land breezes occur at night. Land breezes flow from the land to the sea Land breeze

Without using your notes!! On a piece of notebook paper, Write three facts about a sea breeze and three facts about a land breeze. 3 facts for sea breezes 3 facts for land breezes Ticket out the door