Flashcards / 13 academic words Mon. 10/10 Mr. Lamson Freshman Eng Today: Flashcards / 13 academic words Wolves in eastern Oregon, OPB prt 1 today Handout Mechanics Lesson 3; due 10/20 HW Revise your Book Report, due 10/20 WS Unit 3: due this Thurs., 10/13; EXCEPT p. 41
Book Report Revision - 25 points possible Due Thurs. 10/20 Check the notes I made on your first draft paragraphs. Look again at the book report handout. If you were marked down for not responding to a requirement, figure out what you need to do to fix it. Re-type ALL your paragraphs with your fixes. Run the spell-checker. Before you hand it in: proof your work by reading it out loud. Your ear will catch everything your eye misses! PAY ATTENTION TO SENSE. Now you have one 4 paragraph book report. Hand this in a week from Thurs.
Flashcards out: 13 Academic Words spelling and definitions 10 minutes with a partner, take turns, go
This week we begin a non-fiction project on wolves in eastern Oregon to end 1st quarter. Here’s our big question: “What is the right number of wolves for eastern Oregon?” Over the next three weeks, we will take notes on and write about an OPB wolf video; use the computer lab to research pro and con journal and newspaper articles about wolves; and write summaries of those articles; collaborate in small groups to put data about wolves onto a map of eastern Oregon; invite a wildlife professional into the classroom to tell us about wolves; and we will develop questions for that interview; write a two page double spaced persuasive essay taking a pro or con position on our question, and backing up our position with evidence.
LATE POLICY REMINDER Late assignments lose 25% first week 50% second week 3 weeks late……? Best I can do is a D. I will not accept 1st Q assignments after 10/27.
In-class summary and notes Wolves: In-class summary and notes due Wolves: Com lab, lit research Wolf guy in class for Q and A collaborative wolf map workshop Wolves pkt due Workshop wolf pkt Workshop wolf pkt
Title it: Living with Wolves: OPB, Nov. 18, 2010 Make this note-taker (in your notebook, please; this is the 1st of 4 entries). Date it. Title it: Living with Wolves: OPB, Nov. 18, 2010 Who? What? When? Where? How? Why? Make good notes: Thursday, after the 4th installment of the video, you’ll use your notes to summarize the video; writing a 1 page review of its information and point of view. The summary and the notes will be due in class Thurs.
Notes TBD: protocol for students getting and using web info for your webquest on Mon. 2/17 This resource is probably a first start; it includes pro and con websites recommended by OPB http://www.opb.org/television/programs/ofg/segment/living-with-wolves-an-oregon-field-guide-special/ 2) need to make arrangements ASAP fort a wildlife biologist to visit the class for Q and A Including clearing with GU admin And developing questions for that person Developing a grade-able produce-able from that interview 3) Need to develop data resources for a poster model/rubric for 3 students