The Big picture – Sustainable COASTAL FISHERIES management RTMCF1 20 Nov – 01 Dec 2017, Noumea
BIG PICTURE Sustainable Coastal Fisheries Management CF Management Policy CF MCS Policy, CF Legal Framework CF Scientific & Economic advice CF Data
Internally 10th Heads of Fisheries Outcomes Harmonisation for the collection of small-scale domestic fisheries data (50-53) Coastal Fisheries data holdings and repository (54-56) Fisheries economics: Coastal and Oceanic (60-63) FAME Business Plan (relative objectives) Undertake data collection on the region’s fisheries and marine ecosystems Provide fisheries data management services Provide and facilitate access to fisheries information Support capacity development in fisheries among PICTs
Internally – FAME Review That FAME continue to invest in new technology in data collection, reporting and information management to ensure the Division is at the forefront in the collection and dissemination of both oceanic and coastal fisheries knowledge and expertise. This should include ensuring project management capacity is available to support the full implementation of e-monitoring and e-reporting including quality standards and guidelines for collection and storage of data A greater focus on leadership in coastal fisheries including building innovation and collaboration and developing a long-term approach to advising countries in the collection of data required to support coastal fisheries science, management and sustainable development The strengthening of economic analysis of aquaculture projects, including providing support to member countries to collect data so the progress in aquaculture development is readily discernible.
Internally and regionally New Song Adequate and relevant information to inform management and policy (Outcome 2) Also links to outcomes 3, 4 and 5 covering supporting coastal fisheries management and development, governance and political support, and strong and up-to-date management policy, legislation and planning Coastal Fisheries Working Group Established to bring together stakeholder groups (communities, national and regional agencies and institutions) to look at initiatives to assist national fisheries and local communities to manage their coastal fisheries resources.
Regionally – PIFS 14th Leaders Mtg Leaders decision of September 2016: Agreed to expand the broad heading of “fisheries” to include coastal fisheries, noting links to communities, food security, health issues and in particular non-communicable diseases; Noted the need to ensure ecosystem integrity to address issues such as ciguatera outbreaks and to sustainably manage beche-de-mer; and Tasked the SPC to coordinate with National Fisheries Agencies, CROP agencies and regional and national community groups, to strengthen support and resourcing for coastal fisheries management.
Regionally – Roadmap and report card Future of Fisheries Roadmap 2015 Coastal Fisheries Goals: Empowerment, Resilience, Livelihoods Relevant strategies in annual coastal report card: Provide relevant information to inform management and policy Develop and enforce strong and up-to-date legislation, policy and plans
Internationally FAO Small-scale Fisheries Guidelines Part 2: Responsible fisheries and sustainable development 5 b: Sustainable resource management National reporting of fisheries data or statistics to FAO Sustainable Development Goal 14 Conservation and sustainable use of oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development Need data and information for reporting.
Concluding remarks Many national, regional and international requirements for reporting fisheries statistics There will be an increasing need for coastal fisheries data to meet the long list of reporting expected from countries and partners such as SPC. Standardisation of data collection, storage, analysis etc where possible will allow reporting to multiple sources. All of this has lead to this workshop, to see how best we all can address the growing demands for data and reporting on sustainable management of coastal resources, while still meeting country needs and aspirations.