6-3: Implementation of policy and regulation
Big Idea: Competing Policymaking Interests Enduring Understanding: The federal bureaucracy is a powerful institution implementing federal policies with sometimes questionable accountability. Learning Objective: Explain how the federal bureaucracy uses delegated discretionary authority for rule-making and implementation.
Implementing Policy Implementation—translation of policy goals into rules and procedures Congress provides general mandate Bureaucracy sets specific guidelines Growth of Bureaucratic Authority Subsidies Grants Regulations Breakdown of Implementation Conflicting goals Lack of funding Fragmentation of responsibilities
Regulation and Rule-making Use of governmental authority to control or change practices Reasons for regulations Consumer protection Ensure legal practices Reduce subordination/discrimination Bureaucratic Discretion
Iron Triangles (sub-governments) Alliance between an administrative agency, interest group lobbyists, and a congressional committee Provision of key services for the others Example—“Military-Industrial Complex” Defense contractors lobby Congress Congress authorizes excessive military spending Dept. of Defense awards contracts to favored companies Armed Services Committee lenient on oversight Contractors make more money to aid in Congressional reelection bids
Issue network Coalitions of interest groups, members of Congress, bureaucrats, media pundits, and political staff members who regularly discuss an issue Presidents often fill agency positions from issue networks Example—Pollution Large factory barely earning a profit Adopting environmental regulations would bankrupt the company Job loss (including contracted jobs like drivers, suppliers, etc.) Local government loses primary tax base Environmental groups contrary opinions What is the regulatory agency to do?
De-regulation Criticisms of Bureaucracies Red Tape—complex rules and procedures Conflict—contradictory goals Duplication—doing the same thing (wasteful spending) Growth of government Critics advocate for free-market solutions Competition is all the regulation that is needed