What is the difference between an independent variable and a dependent variable IV = what is different in each group DV = measurement
2. What is the difference between an experimental group and control group? Experimental Group = IV Control Group = no IV
3. An experiment was done to test of light affect plant growth 3. An experiment was done to test of light affect plant growth. Identify the IV, DV, control group, experimental group, and 1 constant. IV = what is different in each group DV = measurement
4. What are the 5 levels of organization in an multicellular organism? Cells tissue organ organ system organism
5. What contributions did the following scientists make: Hooke, Schwann, Schleidan, Virchow Hooke = look at cork, named cells Schwann = all animals Schleidan = All plants are made of cells Virchow = all cells come from pre-existing cells
6. Label the atom below. A = electron B = proton C = neutron + + +
7. Identify the function of the following organelles: Nucleus, cell membrane, golgi bodies, ribosomes, cell wall, vacuole Nucleus = control Cell membrane = semi-permeable Ribosomes = makes proteins Cell wall = plant cell shape Vacuole = stoarage
8. Identify the functions of the following nutrients: carbs, lipids, proteins, vitamins Carbs = energy Lipids, store energy, cushion, store some vitamins Proteins = build and repair Vitamins = regulate body functions
9. What is the difference between passive and active transport? Passive = no energy, high low Active = energy needed, low high
10. Which type of respiration: Needs oxygen Produces 2 ATP Happens in muscles when oxygen runs out A. aerobic B. anaerobic Lactic acid fermentation
11. Identify the phases of matter below: Solid Liquid Gas
12. Why is cartilage needed in the body? Ends of bones Shock absorber Cushions Shape to ears and nose
13. What type of joint is found in the: Shoulder, neck, wrist, skull, elbow Ball and socket Pivot Gliding Immovable hinge
14. Identify the following properties as physical or chemical: Color, flammability, volume, reacts with oxygen Physical Chemical
15. Identify the following changes as physical or chemical: Cutting, burning, rusting, chewing food Physical Chemical
16. Identify the part of bone being described: Tough outer membrane Makes blood cells Lightweight for added strength Periosteum Marrow Spongy bone
17. Identify the following parts of the box below: Atomic number, Atomic mass, Mass number, # of protons, # of neutrons 42 95.94 96 54
18. What is a mixture? What is a solution? Mixture = 2 or more substances physically combined, can easily be separated Solution = type of mixture in which one material (solute) dissolves in another ( solvent)
19. Where does mechanical digestion occur in the digestive system? Where does chemical digestion occur? Mechanical = mouth, stomach Chemical = mouth, stomach, SI
20. Where does digestion begin? Where does it end? Mouth Small intestine (duodenum)
21. How does gas exchange occur n the respiratory system? Between alveoli and capillaries
22. Identify the type of immunity being described: temporary, antibodies from someone else permanent, your own antibodies A. passive B. active
23. Explain the differences between an artery, vein, and capillary. Artery = AWAY, thickest Vein = bring blood to the heart, have valves Capillary = thinnest, exchange of materials
24. Identify and describe the 3 types of circulation. Pulmonary = between lungs and heart Coronary = between heart and heart cells Systemic = between heart and body
25. What are red blood cells made of and what do they do? Hemoglobin Carries oxygen and carbon dioxide
26. What part of the blood: protects the body against disease clots the blood liquid A. white blood cells B. Platelets C. plasma
27. Explain the difference between an infectious disease and a noninfectious disease. Infectious = spreads, pathogen Noninfectious = cannot be spread from person to person, no pathogen
28. What is the function of the kidneys? Filters the blood, maintains water balance, produces urine
29. Explain the difference between a ureter and a urethra. Ureter = carries urine to bladder Urethra = carries urine out of the body