The surveys can be done: Face to face On the telephone On the internet S2.1 Core Plenary Many governments and large organisations carry out surveys of public opinion on controversial questions. The surveys can be done: Face to face On the telephone On the internet What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of these three methods? Identity cards GM crops Nanotechnology Testing with animals Preamble Online surveys are growing in usage. Pupils may need reminding of what they might entail. One way of approaching the question is to brainstorm the advantages and disadvantages for each with no comments and then the analyse the validity (or not) of the reasons. The question could make a useful mini-research homework on the internet – with the focus on, say, three advantages/disadvantages for each. Possible content Advantages and mechanics of three principle modes of questionnaire administration. Resources None Solution/Notes Some possible (but not exhaustive) advantages and disadvantages are: Face to face Telephone Internet People may be - Time of interview - Must be online embarrassed - Only people with phone + Private (or not?) Expensive - Speaker has to use script + Cheap Care over time + Cheap - Cannot be sure and place who is responding - Difficult to standardise Original Material © Cambridge University Press 2009 Original Material © Cambridge University Press 2009