There are five general rules to keep in mind during the next two years as you plan your year as Governor
Rule # 1 HAVE FUN “The business of Rotary is Serious, but Rotarians don’t have to be.”… Cliff Dochterman
Rule #3 Beg Steal and Borrow Ideas
Rule #4 Be Yourself… Don’t do something just because that’s the way it’s always been done.
Lead and inspire your volunteers. Rule # 5 Lead and inspire your volunteers. Involve your Partners
Responsibilities of the Governor Nominee Begin to prepare for the role of governor Foster continuity by working with past, current and incoming district leaders to support effective clubs Begin analyzing the district’s strengths and weaknesses with background material provided by the immediate past governor, governor and governor-elect.
Responsibilities of DGN Review the district organization (District Leadership Plan) and club administration Attend district meetings when possible, at the invitation of the district governor or district governor-elect Participate in district committees or other activities, as may be suggested by the district governor or district governor-elect
Responsibilities of DGN Attend district governor-nominee training if offered or seek other training if available Attend training in Leadership skills Select a site for the district conference held during the year of the governor-nominee’s service, with the agreement of the majority of the current club presidents or majority of the club presidents serving in the governor-nominee;s year.
Assignments to the Governor-nominee It is recommended that the governor and governor-elect shall provide the governor nominee: 1. The opportunity to request specific responsibilities or assignments in connection with district committees or district organizations.
Assignments to the DGN 2. Invitation to attend as an observer any or all district meetings 3. A proper introduction at the district conference and an opportunity to be part of the organizing committee as an observer 4. The opportunity to participate in all strategic planning efforts and long term appointments in the district.
Remember: Do not allow yourself to be manipulated by others. Set your own goals Select your team wisely
Thank you and Good Luck