Reconstruction Plans Andrew Johnson’s Plan Majority of Southern voters in each state pledge loyalty to USA Ratification of 13th Amendment ( ¾ of voters in each state needed) Late 1865 - Johnson signs off on / approves new state governments
Reconstruction Plans Impact of Johnson’s plan Congressional Elections Many former Confederate officers Example: Alexander Stephens, VP of CSA elected Senator from Georgia African-Americans not allowed to vote The south implemented “Black Codes” Republicans are outraged!! e
Reconstruction Plans Reaction to Johnson’s plan The new Congress meets Republicans bar Southerners from entering the chamber Establish Joint Committee on Reconstruction Republicans decide a New Reconstruction Plan is needed
Reconstruction Plans Congress vs. Johnson Congress passes the Civil Rights Act Citizenship for African-Americans Ends “Black Codes” Vetoed by Johnson Congress overrides veto ( 2/3 in each house needed)
Reconstruction Plans Congress vs. Johnson 14th Amendment Citizenship to all persons born in US Equal protection under the law No discrimination based on skin color States that don’t ratify amendment will have number of Representatives reduced Opposed by Johnson Former CSA states (except Tennessee!) reject it
Reconstruction Plans Congress vs. Johnson Reconstruction Act of 1867 Abolishes state governments that don’t ratify 14th Amendment South is divided into 5 Military Districts Commanded by Army Generals New state constitutions African-Americans allowed to vote
Reconstruction Plans Congress vs. Johnson Reconstruction Act of 1867 Results: Southern whites boycott elections African-Americans vote in large numbers Republicans now control state governments as well Reconstruction laws continue to be passed over Johnson’s veto!
Reconstruction Plans Congress vs. Johnson 1868 - House of Representatives vote to impeach President Andrew Johnson The Charge: Johnson Violated the Tenure of Office Act Tried by the full Senate Johnson is NOT convicted Vote is 35-19 (one vote shy)